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亨瑞.贝拉方特,民权集会,1960年Harry Belafonte, Civil Rights Rally, 1960

吉迪恩的上诉和民权运动Gideon's Appeal and the Civil Rights Movement

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她问,如果新的民权法会有所帮助。She asked if new civil rights laws would help.

他以民权运动领袖而闻名。He distinguished himself as a civil rights leader.

请载我到民权路的那家邮局去。Please take me to the post office on Minchuan Road.

在各个州都有民权运动的工作者遭到杀害。Civil Rights workers were murdered in various states.

是从事民权和国家安全事务的。that does civil liberties work and national security.

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俺生在民权村的一个农家,是家里的独子。I was a single child and grew up on a farm in Minquan.

在河南郑州的民权村出生。I was born in the village of Minquan, in Henan province.

他是民权运动的领导者,同时也是一名运动员和演员。He was a civil rights leader, and an athlete and an actor.

但他在民权运动中很有影响力。but he is very influential in the civil rights movement so.

这已经成了一个民权问题,特别是在美国。It is becoming, especially in America, a civil rights issue.

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马丁。路德。金,美国黑人民权运动领袖。Martin Luther King Jr. African-American Civil Rights activist.

在这个星期日,敬拜者谈论的是民权问题。On this particular Sunday, worshippers discussed civil rights.

到了1964年,民权运动已经取得了,惊人的成就。By 1964, the Civil Rights movement had accomplished amazing things.

对于该法院做出的多数决定,我都非常同意,尤其是在民权方面。I strongly favored most of its decisions, especially in civil rights.

正是在他的努力下,一九六四年的民权法案才得以通过,是吧?It was because of him the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, right?

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许多黑人民权活跃分子的反应,一气之下,把这些语句。Many black civil rights activists reacted angrily to these statements.

川普对待民权问题的态度一直暧昧不清,今天打打擦边球,明天玩玩灰色地带。Trump definitely plays the gray area when it comes to civil liberties.

在今天的学生中,希望成为民权法律师的人多吗?Are there many students today interested in practicing civil rights law?