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铁、木和冰是固体。A dice is a solid.

液体的体积是小于固体的。Liquid is less than solid.

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食物已经冻成固体了。The food had frozen solid.

我们是固体的设备。We are solid-state devices.

铁、木和冰是固体。Iron, wood and ice are solid.

铁、木和冰是固体。Iron, wood and ice are solids.

传播声音的最佳介质是固体。It travels best through solid.

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离子固体形成离子液体。Ionic solids form ionic liquids.

地球是扁圆形的固体。Planet Earth is an oblate solid.

制备了纳米级固体超强酸SO42?。Nano-sized solid superacids SO42?

制备了硫酸镍固体材料。Solid material NiSO4 was prepared.

固体地球循环和地球动力学。Solid earth cycles and geodynamics.

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固体激光器是一个四能级系统。Solid laser is a four-level system.

它们在室温下是固体。They are solid at room temperature.

其不隐色介质均搁置固体不朱。Its coloration media use liquid ink.

而我们是从液体到固体。So we're going from liquid to solid.

固体废料可以烧弃。The solid wastes can be incinerated.

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水结冰时变成固体。Water becomes solid when it freezes.

他吃流质食物后,开始吃固体食物。Now he is well enough to take solids.

下踢脚固体底部细节。Solid bottom detail beneath skirting.