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比如魔鬼How about demons?

比如,我有一个立体声音响I've got a stereo.

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比如阿米巴原虫会分裂,对吧?Amoebas split,right?

比如,创造力Consider creativity.

比如晚间新闻。Likethe evening news.

就比如,我是体操运动员,Like, I was a gymnast,

——我能,比如,穿穿它们吗?Can I, like, wear them?

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比如西兰花和甘蓝菜。Take broccoli and kale.

比如米开朗基罗。So this is Michelangelo.

比如本性之类的东西。Things like their nature.

比如在圣殿山发生的故事。You know the Temple Mount.

比如像注册权就不值得浪费更多的时间,但这位律师又是否知道呢?But does the attorney know?

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比如辣根,我就特别讨厌。Horseradish, in particular.

多多利用线下活动,比如博客嘉年华等。Make use of blog carnivals.

比如这里我任意选一个“10“Here I arbitrarily chose 10.

比如辣根,我就特别讨厌。Horseradish , in particular.

比如,有一座山Suddenly there's a mountain.

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比如在出发的时候,是否够快?Were you quick at the start?

是,你知道,比如木法沙。Yeah, you know, like Mufasa.

比如有人问我,"你好吗?"Somebody says, "How are you?"