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他甚至学会了咀嚼烟叶。He even learned to chew tobacco.

香料烟是一种芳香型烟叶。Oriental tobacco is an aromatic leaf.

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这是由各种最好的烟叶配制成的。This is a mixture of the best tobaccos.

干烟叶等待着被带到市场上去。Dry tobacco waits to be taken to market.

烟叶是用木柴的烟熏烤加工而成的。The tobacco leaves are cured in wood smoke.

青黄与光滑并存烟叶品质最差。The green-yellow slick leaf got worst quality.

菲尔波特往烟斗里塞了一卷碎烟叶。Philpott tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe.

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女人和孩子把烟叶悬挂起来在太阳下晒干。Women and children hang tobacco to dry in the sun.

一个跨境童工,左边的,在采摘烟叶。A child migrant worker, left, picks tobacco leaves.

他把一段玉米棒子挖空,然后装上烟叶。Nothing but rabbit tobacco. Pa smokes it in a corn cob.

烟叶发酵是一复杂的生化过程。Tobacco leaf leavening is a complex biochemistry process.

土豆、番茄和烟叶也被种在动物园里。Potatoes , tomatoes and tabacco are planted in the zoo too.

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剩下的皆为低等级烟叶,平均每公斤售价69.52卢比。The rest were of low grades, which traded at Rs 69.52 a kg.

如果你是个男子汉,嚼嚼这烟叶,我们就支持你。If you’re man enough to chew this tobacco, we’ll be for you.

通常,三亩烟叶可以带来近一万元的收益。Normally, Li’s three mu of tobacco earns him near 10,000 yuan.

烟叶在调制仓中经过一段时间将被脱水。In curing barns leaves will be dehydrated over a period of time.

菲莫福川公司如今向韩国和马来西亚出售生烟叶。The company is now exporting raw tobacco to South Korea and Malaysia.

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斗烟与卷烟用烟叶的税率定为每公斤100列弗。The tax for tobacco for pipes and cigarettes is set at BGN 100 per kg.

收获烟叶后,一个孩子的手上沾满了烟草残渣。A child's hands are covered in tobacco residue after harvesting leaves.

中部柠檬黄组烟叶香气类型更倾向于清香型特征。And lemon leaves grown in central position was more elegant in smoking.