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最后一个成分是语法Finally, syntax.

最后她被录取了。She was admitted.

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那最后这几天呢?And the last days?

最后,我签发了法案。I signed the bill.

最后,我看到了他。Finally, I saw him.

最后将两项相加So you add the two.

吃最后的一餐。Have your last meal.

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最后,就是那样。Lastly, that was it.

最后一件事,斯图。One last thing, Stu.

最后的外卖?The final takeaways?

最后,熟悉度。Finally, familiarity.

我还有最后一点要说。I have a final point.

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好的,最后。Okay. The last--Oops.

好片总是留在最后的。The Best of the last.

最后我妥协了。Eventually I caved in.

就剩最后一步了。One last step remains.

最后许斌接受了这份工作。Prof. Xu took the job.

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她最后流血至死。She had bled to death.

最后让我来祝酒。So I end with a toast.

照过最后一张相片。Are taken a picture of.