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独骑,一骑,匹马,单骑。A horse is beside the bear.

我们驾了一辆单骑独座的小马车经过道塞特家的住宅。We drove in a buggy past the Dorset house.

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我们驾了一辆单骑独座的小马车经过道塞特家的住宅。We drove in a buggy past the dorset house.

估计乳酸门槛,可以基于非常具体的“现场测试”,单骑或跑步。It can also be estimated based on very specific "field tests" on the bike or run.

舍甫琴科不久又单骑闯关,但在禁区内被罗斯特阻止。Shevchenko went on a solo run which was only halted inside the area by the lunging Rost.

作为慈善单骑的一部分,他们还参加了世博会瑞士国家馆日的庆祝仪式。As part of charity ride, they also attended the Swiss Pavilion National Day celebration at the EXPO.

可能你觉得单骑一辆独轮车还不够好笑,那多出一根击球棍和一个球后,你够拉风的了。As if just riding a unicycle didn’t look funny enough, add mallets and balls and you’ve got a truly wacky spectacle.

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马拉多纳用“上帝之手”帮助阿根廷领先,但3分钟之后,英格兰根本无法阻止对他单骑走千里再进一球。His 'Hand of God' goal put Argentina ahead, but England had no answer to Maradona's majestic solo goal three minutes later.

博格还有一身漂亮的带球技术,在2000年主场迎战德比郡,他的单骑闯关让他收获利物浦十年最佳进球。A man with a penchant for the spectacular, the Czech ace bagged one of Liverpool's best goals of the decade when he rifled home against Derby County in October 2000.

在厄普顿公园先是一记单骑闯关先拔头筹后,又以头球锁定比赛的胜局,这让西班牙门将异常钦佩他的好朋友。The Reds' number 9 followed up his magnificent opener with a thumping header at Upton Park, leaving the Spanish stopper to purr in admiration at his close friend's exploits.