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硬水导致的水垢是怎么回事?What is Hard Water Scale?

也可以加醋,乙酸去除水垢。Or add some vinegar, acetic acid to remove scale.

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冷却水塔可加杀藻剂和除垢剂,防防止青苔和水垢。Algicide and cleaner can be added to the cooling water tower.

在安装之前,冲洗管道,清除水垢和碎片。Before installing, flush pipe line to remove scale and debris.

大多数水碱或水垢清除剂只是酸性清除剂而已。Most hard water or lime scale removers are only acidic cleaners.

这里的水质非常硬,所有的锅用了一次后就生水垢了。The water here is so hard that all the pans fur up after a single use.

为了避免水垢污染产层,油公司决定对油井实施侧钻。The well was side-tracked in order to avoid the scale producing formation.

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有效去除尿渍、水垢、油污、锈斑等。Of shaft vessels Effectively remove stains, urine, grease, rusty spot and scale.

提出一种清除铝换热器表面水垢的新配方,该配方由有机磷酸和硝酸组成。A new formulation for removal of incrustation on aluminium heater surface is proposed.

所以,根据具体情况应制定期清洗水垢的计划。So, according to the specific circumstances of the regular cleaning scale system plan.

也可用于造水机、蒸发器、加热设备、冷却设备和供水管路,以清除水垢和水锈。It can also be used in desalter, evaporator, heating and cooling facilities and water pipeline.

用食用醋或其他清洁剂来清洗喷头,可以有效的防止喷头产生水垢。Clean shower heads with vinegar or other cleaner to remove any mineral build up that may have occurred.

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由于软化水不合要求,使鼓风炉水套内产生了致密的水垢。Due to unsatisfactory softened water, dense water scale grows inside the cooling water jacket blast furnace.

是安全、强力的酸性除垢剂,可彻底地清除锅炉、冷却管中水垢。GF-120 is a safe , strong acid detergent , but remove the boiler , cool the scale while managing completely.

现在许多家居都有独立供暖,热水也自己解决,但水垢问题不能忽视。Many homes now have independent heating and hot water are themselves, but furring issues can not be ignored.

能去除泥沙、铁锈,但无法彻底去除水垢和细菌、病毒,属于初级过滤。Purify silt, can ferruginous , but cannot complete purify furring and bacterium, virus, belong to primary filter.

水垢下面的管内壁产生晶间腐蚀而减薄。The wall of the pipes is becoming thinner and thinner as intergranular corrosion occurred under the incrustation.

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冷却系应定期进行清洗,以防锈蚀和水垢过量沉积。The cooling system should be cleaned at periodic intervals to prevent the accumulation of excessive rusts and scale.

甲酸能有效地溶解和去除钙质沉积物,包括锈、水垢和氧化铁沉积物。Formic acid efficiently dissolves and removes calcium based deposits, as well as rust, scale and iron oxide deposits.

验尸检查,医生没有找到任何可表明老年痴呆症或在心脏疾病中可看到的动脉水垢的证据。At postmortem examination, doctors found no evidence of dementia or the furring of the arteries seen in heart disease.