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或者你真的属于平足?Are you in fact, truly flat-footed?

如果在印迹上双脚清晰可见,那么你就是平足。If your entire foot is visible in the footprint, you have a flat foot.

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可以啊,但时间不能太长,不然的话孩子容易平足。Can ah, but time can not be too long, otherwise your baby easy flatfoot.

这是典型蹠腱膜的症状,你有没有平足呢?This is the symptom of typical zhi tendinous film do you have flatfoot ?

平足、色觉异常、扁桃体炎检出率波动很大。Besides, the check rate of even feet, abnormal colour vision and tonsil fluctuated greatly.

治疗方面包括脚部力量练习以及穿平足鞋或是矫形鞋。Treatment includes foot–strengthening exercises, and shoes with good arch support or orthotics.

实际上平足有许多原因,就给所有人都分到同一种鞋子是不科学的。The question is why and what makes people different, and does that mean they need a different shoe?

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脚弯曲不太重者或者平足者需要比较结实、鞋跟具有减震功能的鞋子。People with low-arched or flat feet need shoes with firm, durable heels with lots of overall cushioning.

汉娜·贝利19岁时欺骗医生说,她是平足,走路时非常疼,需要做足部整形手术。Ha ah Bailey was referred for foot re-shaping surgery at 19 after telling her GP she was in excruciating pain.

汉娜·贝利19岁时欺骗医生说,她是平足,走路时非常疼,需要做足部整形手术。Hannah Bailey was referred for foot re-shaping surgery at 19 after telling her GP she was in excruciating pain.

平足的人通常有灵活的关节,这导致他们的脚踝在脚跟踏地的时候过度的向内翻转了。People with flat feet usually have flexible joints that cause their ankles to roll too far inward at heel-strike.

你站着的时候是平足并不能说明你跑着的情况。We're learning that flat feet when you're standing might not mean anything about what the foot does when you're running.

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同时治疗平足以给你脚弓更多的支撑,同时可以让你紧张的胫骨肌肉得到松弛。Also, follow the remedy for flat feet to give your arch a little extra support and ease the burden of your strained shin muscle.

脚踝过度内翻的人通常会把鞋子的内侧先穿烂,在平足的人中更为常见。The inside of a shoe is much more likely to be worn down for a runner who over-pronates. It is more common for flat-footed runners.

汉娜•贝利19岁时欺骗医生说,她是平足,走路时非常疼,需要做足部整形手术。According to the Daily Mail, Hannah Bailey was referred for foot re-shaping surgery at 19 after telling her GP she was in excruciating pain.

一脑袋蓬乱的头发、满脸的褶皱和胡茬、凹陷的胸口、平足、松弛的肌肉,任何一种畸形和体质衰败都可以在这里看到。Shock heads, hairy, crumpled faces, hollow chests, flat feet, sagging muscles—every kind of malformation and physical rottenness were there.

我们通过四年的试验研究,用医疗体育来治疗平足,收到了良好的效果,给平足患者带来了生理性的治疗和恢复功能的办法。The author treated flat foot through medicoathletics for 4 years, and achieved good curative effects, and made the patients physiological cure and functions recovered.

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几乎所有的平足者都被建议穿稳定系的鞋子,因为平足是趋向于过翻转的。Under the pronation-control model, nearly everyone with flat feet has been put in motion-control shoes, because the assumption has been that flat feet are prone to overpronation.