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为什么饲养鸵鸟?Why ostriches?

他将饲养好马。He will breed good horses.

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我喜欢饲养动物。I like having the animals.

糖是癌的饲养者。a.Sugar is a cancer-feeder.

他们饲养马和羊。They raise horses and sheep.

他在农场饲养牲口。He ranched animals on a farm.

他将饲养赛马当作一种爱好。He has bred racehorses as a hobby.

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他们在饲养场饲养长角牛。They breed longhorns on the ranch.

该动物园总共饲养了大约800只禽鸟。The zoo has about 800 birds in all.

他们知道他们不能再饲养动物。They know that they cannot restock.

这些丹顶鹤啊,都是人工饲养的。These birds are all raised by humans.

猪圈,猪栏,养猪场饲养或存放猪的地方。A place where pigs are raised or kept.

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我们需要很多钱来饲养它们。We need a lot of money to breed their.

他们的主要工作是饲养牲畜。Their main business was cattle-raising.

腊肠狗最开始是由猎户家庭饲养的。This breed belongs to the hound family.

班热博士饲养家禽、猪和羊。Dr Binger keeps poultry, pigs and goats.

美国国内龙猫可以作为宠物饲养。Domestic chinchillas can be kept as pets.

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这老人像妈妈带孩子一样饲养他心爱的鸽子。The old man mothered his beloved pigeons.

小家鼠很容易购买和饲养。Mice are easy to get and easy to maintain.

绵羊和牛主要饲养作肉食。Sheep and ox chiefly raise to do the meat.