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入世后,开放我国律师业已是大势所趋。It is a tendency to open up this trade.

嵇康与何晏、王弼持积极入世态度不同,他更偏好庄子,崇尚自然。Ji-Kang has a preference to Zhuang-Zi and worships the nature.

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其中,儒家文化以其入世的实用性被重新接受。Among others, the Confucianism culture is re-accepted for its practice.

出世入世之间的我,在偶然的安静时刻思索…Is born between being WTO entry I, in accidental peaceful time thinking.

乔吉散曲中有积极入世的儒士思想,又有消极避世的隐士情怀。In Qiao Ji's Sanqu, he shows both positive and pessimistic attitudes to life.

世界贸易组织限制保护主义的另一个渠道是入世协定。Another way the WTO has helped limit protection is through accession agreements.

它是中国内地入世后签订的第一个具有自由贸易协议性质的法律文件。It is the fist legal paper of free-trade agreement in China mainland since the WTO entry.

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入世初期,中国各行业所受影响是苦乐不均的。In an initial stage of joining the WTO, various trades in China will be effected differently.

中华儒家的入世精神与济事情怀尤其以儒家忧患思想最为明显。The spirit of worldliness is most prominent particularly with the Confucian Worrying Mentality.

以德育人、安邦治国是他积极入世的教育目的。His target of education was to maintain the social order, to contral and manage the country well.

中国的入世和申奥的成功,使中国也正以矫健的步伐进入地球村。China's success to entre the WTO and holding the Olympics make china step into the village firmly.

在对人格境界的追求中,宗白华的超世、入世和救世情怀为当代人的生存意识提供了典范。In pursuit of the Personality, feelings for contemporary sense of human existence provided a model.

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博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长、中国入世首席谈判代表龙永图考察人民电器。Boao Asia forum and Secretary-general, WTO negotiation top expert Long Yongtu review "People" Group.

入世与否,对中国来说也是一个政治、面子、尊严问题。For China, the WTO accession is also a political question, and a matter of self-respect and dignity.

入世了,面粉加工企业如何制定粮源策略?。How can Wheat Flour Manufacturing Enterprize lay down Grain source Strategy after China entry into WTO?

在加入世卫组织之前,李博士在美属萨摩亚LBJ热带医学中心工作了两年。Prior to joining WHO, Dr Lee worked for two years at the LBJ Tropical Medical Centre in American Samoa.

中国全面履行入世承诺和进一步对外开放市场的努力取得明显成效。China's efforts in honoring WTO commitments and opening wider to the outside world have paid off tangibly.

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随着入世“后过渡期”的结束,中国的产业安全也变得日益严峻。Along with the WTO "the transition-period" ends, China' s industry security also changes sternly day by day.

本文作为专题研究,对“入世”后中国医药业的发展进行了分析研究。As a subject-study dissertation, it analyses and studies the development of Chinese pharmaceutical industry.

其入世思想丰富完整,出世思想也初具轮廓。His this-worldly idea was abundant and integrated, and the contour of the otherworldly idea was also formed.