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开着混账空调呢!The blasted air-conditioning!

对不起,我说了混账话!I am sorry, I said if scoundrel!

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人家都说,我是个疯子,混账。People say that I am a crazy bastard.

我感觉想一个混账的课后特殊服务。I felt like a f**king after-school special.

恩。我为我早上的混账话为你道歉!TU. I impudent remark morning so I apologize for!

到底什么样的混账才会写出这样的字啊?What the hell kind of a man would write like that?

我们是老式敲击黑暗混账金属!!!We are old-school thrashing black fucking metal! ! !

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忘掉这种提心吊胆防护侧翼的混账事儿。Forget this Goddamn business of worrying about our flanks.

他指责克劳斯领导的政权制度是“混账资本主义”。He accused Klaus of leading a regime of "gangster capitalism".

“噢,”她说,“他去罗马去吹灭那支混账的蜡烛。”"Oh, " she said, "he's gone to Rome to blow out the damn candle!

恐龙很酷,但我很高兴那些混账东西现在已经不存在了!Dinosaurs are cool and all, but i'm glad those motherfuckers aren't here anymore!

凯蒂从小养尊处优,只听得奉承话,从未遭遇过这样的混账说辞。Kitty, accustomed to flattery all her life, had never heard such things said to her before.

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这些天,混账事、琐碎事,我都没心思去想,而善良和谦卑则是对我最重要的东西。I have no patience these days for jerks, for trivia — kindness and humility matter most to me.

他看着我的双眼大声地回应,“乔治。布什也是个无原则,撒谎的混账!”He looked me right in the eye and shouted back, "George Bush is an unprincipled, lying piece of trash too!"

嘿疯婆子我也信上帝,不过我不认为他是个嗜杀的混账,是你把他说得这么不堪的。Hey, crazy lady, I believe in God too. I just don't think he's the bloodthirsty asshole, you make him out to be.

“难道你不知道?你只是个混账的小人物!”这位科学家骂道。“我还以为你像米卢博士一样,可以读懂我的心思。”"Don't you know? You're a damn Betazoid! " cursed the scientist. "I thought you could read minds, like Dr. Milu. "

他觉得他正在“拆除这个混账世界里所有炸弹上的所有雷管,至少也会拆个一两分钟。”He felt he was “removing, at least for a minute or two, all the detonators from all the bombs in this bloody world.”

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“混账东西,给我滚回家去反省。”胡唯实在忍不住了,抬手给了自己儿子一巴掌。"Mix Zhang object, coil for me to go home a self-reflection. "The beard only and truly cannot helped but and raised to gave oneself's son's slap.

从前有个混账的笨瓜说过必须防护侧翼的话,打那以后全世界的王八蛋就一直都在昏头昏脑地防护他们的侧翼。Some Goddamned fool once said that flanks must be secured and since then sons of bitches all over the world have been going crazy guarding their flanks.

混账!首先巴基斯坦肯定不复存在。因为美国和其他国家会公开宣布巴基斯坦是恐怖主义国家所以最好闭上你的嘴死基佬。First of all Pakistan will be not surviving for sure. As US and other countries declared the pakistan a terrorist state so better keep your mouth shut you faggot !