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丘比特的箭射得真准。Cupid shoots so trim.

8比特,即1个字节。So 8 bits, aka 1 byte.

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丘比特是爱的神!Cupido is the god of Love!

普鲁特和杰比特是外星人。Pluto and Jupiter are aliens.

可怜的盖比特!他很伤心。Poor Geppetto! He's very sad.

我是美神维纳斯,我的儿子丘比特已经射穿了你和宙斯的心,把你带到这里来的正是宙斯本人。It is Zeus that took you here.

无聊的丘比特,不要再找上我了。Stupid Cupid, stop pickin on me!

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欢迎丘比特部队!You Welcome to the Cupido Force!

普鲁特和杰比特准备回家了。Pluto and Jupiter are going home.

一个char型数据占据1字节或8比特。So a char size is 1 byte or 8 bits.

所以跳舞者、多纳、慧星和丘比特。So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid.

丘比特在地面发现了已经死亡的普赛克。Cupid found her lifeless on the ground.

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虽然吵杂点,但比特还算是有趣的孩子。Ex. Peter is a pleasant if noisy child.

我好像是中了丘比特的箭。I think I've been hit by Cupid's arrow.

比特的父亲由于中风腿跛了。Peter's father was crippled by a stroke.

他们是丘比特,戴利先生,是爱神。They're cupids, Mr. Daley. Gods of love.

多尼在给杰比特一个足球。Donny is giving a soccer ball to Jupiter.

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其他国家也有自己的“邱比特”。Other countries have their own " Cupids".

非实时可变比特速率?。VBR-NRT? Variable Bit Rate Non Real Time?

比特从一端进去,从另一端出来。Bits go in one end and come out the other.