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CakePHP是免费的开源PHP框架CakePHP is Free and Open Source

但是今天,开源模式是一种手段。But today, open source is the means.

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Ohloh-开源软件目录。Ohloh –Open source software directory.

软件的开源许可是什么意思?What does the open source licence mean?

在服务端我们都是用开源软件。On server side we are a open source shop.

从表面上看,学校里使用开源软件真的很棒。On the surface, FOSS in schools is awesome.

记住,WebM是谷歌的开源视频格式。Remember, WebM is Google's open video format.

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OSQA是一个开源的答问网站。OSQA is an open source Question and Answer Site.

值得兴奋的是它是一个开源工具。The good news is that it is an open-source tool.

而归根结底,这就是我们需要开源的理由。And that, in the end, is why we need open source.

开源开发与非开源开发的对比Developing for open source versus non-open source

几乎所有开源软件都是自由软件。Nearly all open source software is free software.

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我们可以和其他开源产品很好的集成。We integrate well with other open source products.

拓步展翼的开源公司期待着您的垂询。Kai Yuan company is looking forward to your asking.

我的视线就是这样被他引到开源社区的。He thus opened my eyes to the open source community.

开源开发是一个参与式的活动。Open source development is a participatory activity.

鲁弗斯是皮特巴塔德创建一个开源工具。Rufus is an Open Source tool created by Pete Batard.

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这完全是对开源精神的曲解。This is truly a perversion of the open source spirit.

并且,它还有一个开源的移动客户端和前端。Alo, there is an open source mobile client & frontend.

哈格顿教授本人是一个开源的支持者。Professor Hargadon himself is an open source supporter.