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用它的牙齿咬咬咬。With his teeth, cut cut cut.

咬咬女士佐沙拉。Croque Madame with fresh salad.

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说到这,乔咬咬嘴唇,停下来不再说了。Joe bit his lip and said no more.

这咬咬甜甜圈也太大了呗?!Mama, the toys are TOO BIG for us! ! !

露西咬咬嘴唇,愤怒地瞪着她姐姐。Lucy bit her lip, and lookedangrily at her sister.

松鼠松鼠吃坚果,用牠的牙齿咬咬咬。Squirrel, squirrel, eat a nut. With his teeth, cut cut cut.

咬咬、钱钱和飞飞在三亚蓝天国际青年旅舍里面的幸福生活。Lifes of Yaoyao the dog, Money the cat, and Feifei the dog in Blue Sky.

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他本想回骂,但咬咬嘴唇以免当众大闹。He wanted to return the insult, but bit his lips in order to avoid a scene.

她用牙齿咬咬自己的小红嘴唇,第一次为自己的魅力而吃惊兴奋。She caught her little red lip with her teeth and felt her first thrill of power.

婴儿5个月的时候,把冰块或者冷藏的水果放到咬咬袋里面,就成了最好的牙胶了。When baby is about 5 months of age, fill the bag with ice or frozen fruit and it becomes the perfect teether.

在您的拇指咬咬拇指的,是曾经是旨在挑起争吵,或藐视蔑视,马克。Bite your thumb at—Bite your thumb at is formerly a mark of contempt, designed to provoke a quarrel, or to defy.

帽子戴在她头上多俏丽,她的眼睛不也很美吗?她用牙齿咬咬自己的小红嘴唇,第一次为自己的魅力而吃惊兴奋。How nice her hat set, and weren't her eyes pretty. She caught her little red lip with her teeth and felt her first thrill of power.

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当您外出旅游时,咬咬袋把手独特的“制冷”特点和方便的存放盖能够保持实物新鲜。The unique "chill" feature in the Teething Feeder handle and the convenient storage cap help keep foods fresh while traveling with baby.

咬咬看值多少钱,等回家了卖了,也有可能她把这个当成那种圣诞节的金纸巧克力了。Testing to see how much she can sell it for when she gets home. Either that, or she thought it was one of those Christmas chocolate coins.

昨晚我梦到我的兄弟没死,我们在一些大人前逗乐,骑着咬咬狗和美丽猪,大家都向我们抛掷着玫瑰。Last night I dreamed my brother was alive again. We were jousting before some great lord, riding Crunch and Pretty Pig, and men were throwing roses at us.

帽子戴在她头上多俏丽,她的眼睛不也很美吗?她用牙齿咬咬自己的小红嘴唇,第一次为自己的魅力而吃惊兴奋。She was pretty, yes, indeed! How nice her hat set, and weren't her eyes pretty. She caught her little red lip with her teeth and felt her first thrill of power.

加上我们的新鲜食品咬咬袋可填充刚磨好的食物或切片,能让你的宝宝可以安全地消化世界上的各种美味,健健康康的食品。Our Fresh Food Feeder can be filled with pre-ground food or a slice of something you are having. Your baby can safely digest a whole new world of tasty, healthy foods.

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当你冲动得想提供解答或改变她的感觉时,练习咬咬舌头,你会很惊讶地体验到她有多感激你。Practice biting your tongue whenever you get the urge to offer a solution or change how she is feeling. You will be surprised when you experience how much she appreciates you.