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历来对它的解释可谓是莫衷一是。There are all kinds of explanations on it.

我被互相矛盾的陈述搞得莫衷一是。I was bewildered by the contradictory statements.

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对于现代主义的意涵,一直以来人们莫衷一是。Art has been a product of modernization and modernity.

然而,用什么取代这些陈旧的假设,大家却是莫衷一是。But there is less agreement on what should replace the old ways.

但众口一词与莫衷一是就存在于排他与妥协之间。But between exclusivity and compromise lie consensus and ambivalence.

有关这些史迹的考证,学术界仍是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。The interpretation of these events is still a matter of academic discussion.

但对文化研究作为一个学科的理解仍然莫衷一是。But for cultural studies as a discipline remains understood that no agreement.

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然而,学术界对于出版自由的定义是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。However, there are variable opinions of publishing freedom in academic circle.

然而,仍有许多运动员对服用药物这种方法莫衷一是。However, the method of taking drugs which is accepted by many athletes in doubtable.

美国人对于这个问题的答案莫衷一是,而这就是特朗普面临的挑战。The challenge for Donald Trump is how profoundly the country disagrees about the answer.

我国古代蒸馏酒的起源,众说纷云,莫衷一是。The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China is still an unsettled enigma for experts.

而我们谈论最多的以下十个问题,也始终处于莫衷一是的混沌之中。And we most talked-about ten issues of the following, it is always in the very different opinions.

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自从中印边界战争以来,中印两国学界在中印边界战争问题上长期存在分歧,各执一词,莫衷一是。There is a vast divergence upon Sino-Indian border war in the academic circles of China and India.

关于美国总统是否与缅甸总理握过手,各报道莫衷一是。There were conflicting reports whether the US president had shaken hands with the Burmese premier.

关于情感这个恒古的命题,千百年来人们纵说纷纭,莫衷一是。Emotion, as regards this old topic, has been variedly discussed by human beings in thousands of years.

但近代墨学复兴以来,对于墨学却是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。Since the studies on Mo Tzu have an renaissance in Modern times, there are kinds of different opinions.

对黑哨行为应当如何定性,法学界人士各持一词,莫衷一是。The criminal law field has different attitudes towards how to deal with the behavior of "black whistle".

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对接接头存在错边时,用现行方法测量会得到两个值,究竟那一个是真实余高值,大家莫衷一是。Two reinforcement measuring values were gained by present measuring methods when butt joint offset existed.

虽然很少加班,但不波动的班次和常常急转的状况下,令我莫衷一是。Although seldom work overtime, but not stable flight and often a case, make me not know what course to take.

他们有着怎样的学问?从事的是何种艺术?对此,摄影家们说辞至为矛盾,莫衷一是。And photographers give the most contradictory accounts of what kind of knowledge and what kind of art they practice.