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我看到他们脚踏实地。I see them being real.

他们必须脚踏实地,一步步来。They have to go step by step.

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我希望你脚踏实地地去做。I want you to really work at it.

脚踏实地,即使在29,000英尺的高度。Down to earth, even at 29,000 feet.

有方法,重实际,脚踏实地。You’re methodical, practical and down to earth.

脚踏实地的陈述极少,甚至根本没有。There is little or no ground-level representation.

这个漂亮的跑车是强大的,因为它是脚踏实地。This comely coupe is as powerful as it is surefooted.

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感谢上帝,这狂徒终于脚踏实地。Thank god this thug has finally come back down to earth.

所以总是黏在一起。杰克人很友善而且脚踏实地。He's a very nice guy and he keeps his feet on the ground.

如果这样不能让你脚踏实地,还有什么事情可以?If that doesn’t keep your feet on the ground, what would?

从名字可以看出来,土虎是比较脚踏实地、基础坚实的。Like its name suggests, the earth tiger is well-grounded.

当你得志的时候,记得保持脚踏实地。When you're up and well, remember to keep your feet down.

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如果你想取得成功,就必须脚踏实地,仔细做好每一件事。If you wish your success, you must mind your p 's and q's.

此外,鲍尔身上也缺乏沃尔什那种脚踏实地的耐心和从容自如的外交手段。And Bauer lacked Walsh's practical patience and easy diplomacy.

做人应该脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。People should be down-to-earth, instead of being over-ambitious.

学习中,我脚踏实地,求实创新。In the study, I stand on solid ground, truth-seeking and innovation.

第三,在有了上述大视野的基础上,还要有脚踏实地的态度。Thirdly, with a big picture in mind one must act based on the ground.

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那种脚踏实地的感觉,让每一位泰龙人的心里都充满了无限的自信心。Working in a down to earth manner is the pride of all Tailong people.

我们不能总是那么好高骛远,我们要脚踏实地。We can't always have our head in the cloud, we need to be down-to-earth.

而最让我印象深刻的是他脚踏实地的做事方法。And he had a very down-to-earth approach which really always impresses me.