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本地配置能力。Ability to deploy natively.

配置监控器模型。Configure the monitor model.

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但是,您需要配置它。But you need to configure it.

零配置流。Zero-configuration streaming.

配置规格是共享的吗?Are there shared config specs?

守者配置于海岸沿线。The path lies along the coast.

保存配置,然后退出。Save the configuration and exit.

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另一个便是配置资金。The other is capital allocation.

利用所配置的提升凸耳。Use lifting lugs where provided.

Inotify的配置选项Configuration options for Inotify

配置日期和时间设置。Configure date and time settings.

这样就结束了配置。This concludes the configuration.

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配置为相同的拓扑。Configured with the same topology.

动态路由与配置。Dynamic routing and configuration.

下一步并确认配置。Next and confirm the configuration.

每个缓存的配置大小。The configured sized of each cache.

顶部装载,在线配置。Top loading, in-line configuration.

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如何配置拨号连接?How to configure dialup connections?

重新配置它们是一个重大的工作。It is a big job to re-position them.

选择它以打开其配置。Select it to open its configuration.