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介绍了一种新型矿用工字钢。A kind of new type I-beam for mining is introduced.

电机通风用异形钢材是一种机械零件,其断面形状类似工字钢和H型钢。Electromotor ventilation section shape is similar to the I beam and H beam.

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典型的组织型钢包括工字钢、槽钢、角钢和丁字钢。Typicing structuring steel shapes include supports. channels. bums and tees.

采用液压传动,能对方钢,圆钢,角钢,槽钢,工字钢进行剪切,模剪。Use of hydraulic, other steel, round bars, angle iron, steel, I-steel cutting, die cut.

葫芦沿工字钢作直线运动和悬臂作旋转运动。The pulley moves in straight line along the I-shape steel and rotates along the swing arm.

弯制各类钢管,槽钢,扁钢,角钢,工字钢,钢轨等型钢。Bending all kinds of steel pipe, channel steel, flat steel, angle, I-beam, such as steel rails.

初期支护采用格栅拱架代替工字钢拱架。Paid to protect the adoption space grid arch to replace a work word steel arch in the early years.

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设计与改进了工字钢吊具,解决了相关装卸问题。This paper designs and improves the hanger of I-steel, which solves the problem of the stevedoring technology.

同时,原来的工字钢支护体系也不能满足支护要求,必须寻找新的支护体系。The last I-steal support pattern is not satiety the demand of supports and must search out a new support pattern.

本文通过对13根内埋工字钢的SRC框架短柱试件的试验研究,讨论了SRC框架短柱的变形能力。Based on the experimental results of 13 specimens, the ductility of short SRC columns with I steel encased is studied.

本文对平翼缘工字钢的冀缘板在电动葫芦轮压作用下所产生的局部弯曲应力进行分析。Present paper analyses the local bending stress at flat flanges of I profile steel under wheel load of an electric hoist.

将转接件分别焊接在埋件上及工字钢上,然后将立柱用螺栓与转接件连接起来。Weld switchover pieces separately on embedment and I-steel, and then connect the mullion with bolts and switchover pieces.

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该8层高的建筑由工字钢柱地基上的现浇钢筋混凝土结构组成。This 8 storeys high structure consists of a cast insitu reinforced concrete structure supported on steel H-pile foundation.

工字钢辊式矫直是通过对腹板施以可调辊压使翼缘产生一定的塑性变形来实现的。The roller straightening of I Bar is realized in the way that the web is pressed to plastic deformation by adjustable rollers.

GS型系列手拉单轨行车以手链驱动,行走于工字钢的轨道下缘处,配以手拉葫芦便可组成桥式、单梁或悬臂式起重机。Model GS series of hand-pulled single rail trolley is driven by pulling the hand chain and travels along the lower edge of "I" shaped steel beam.

楼面系统采用由耐火粘土制成的平形拱组成,拱间则放置有工字钢,此为当时仓库及其他大跨度建筑的常用手法。The floor system is composed of fired-clay jack arches supported on steel I-beams, a common feature of warehouses and other long-span structures.

主要由驱动装置、张紧装置、回转装置、牵引链条、滑架、工字钢轨道及电气控制等组成。This product mainly comprises driving device, tension device, back-whirling device, driving chain, sliding ramp, I-bean steel track and electrical controller.

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介绍了测量工字钢结晶器内腔尺寸专用测量机的结构和功能,坐标系的转化与建立,分析了影响测量机精度的各种因素。The structure, function of the measurement machine for special purpose which can measure the inside size of I-steel crystallization device is presented in this paper.

蜂窝构件是指将H型钢或工字钢按一定的折线或圆弧线切割后错位焊接而成的空腹构件。Castellated members are formed by cutting H-section steels in a zigzag or circular arc pattern along its centerline and then rejoining the two halves by welding makes.

在复合顶板及压力集中区域内用工字钢架棚支护方式下,采用卸压支护及锚带加强支护技术,减轻了棚子的压力,有效地控制了棚子变形,满足了支护的要求。Under the I-beam steel erecting shed support in the composite roof and pressure centralized area, the pressure relief support and archor belt strengthening support are applied.