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设有一组平行线与圆锥曲线相交。Consider a family of parallel lines that cut the conic.

亚婆罗尼主要地是以他对于圆锥曲线的研究而闻名的。Apollonius is chiefly noted for his work on conic sections.

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这一点很重要,因为它会给你圆锥曲线的两端,以便能在岩石!This is important as it will give your curve tapered ends which will make it rock!

直线与圆锥曲线的题型是高考必考内容之一。Line with the conic question is one of the content of college entrance examination.

圆锥曲线是高中生解析几何学习中的一个难点。Conics is a difficult section in the Analytic Geometry for senior high school students.

它包括基本的初等几何学,圆锥曲线,几何学函数和切线曲线。It covers the basic elementary geometry, conics , geometric functions and tangent curves.

本文就过圆锥曲线外的点作其法线的方法进行研究。A study on the method of drawing conic normal lines through a given point outside the conic.

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讨论了基于二次曲线不变量的圆锥曲线特征自动识别方法。Automatic identification method of conics is studied based on the curve geometric invariants.

本文给出在任何初始条件下,沿圆锥曲线运动的质点所受的作用力。The force on a particle moving along a conical curve under any initial conditions is discussed.

文章以圆锥曲线教学为例,论述了如何培养学生的创新能力。The paper discusses the ways to cultivate students creativity by example of teaching conic section.

首先过用多阈值分割技术提取高速公路上当前车道的分道线,接着对分道线建立了圆锥曲线模型进行二维重建。The system uses multi-threshold to extract the lane line. Then, the conic model is used to reconstruct them.

结合实例,阐述了极坐标法在圆锥曲线中的运用。With examples, this article attempts to explain the method of polar coordinates and its application in conic.

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本文将圆锥曲线的直角弦的一个性质推广到了一般情形。This article has extended a property of the right angle chord of the circular cone curve to the general cases.

在此基础上,提出了简便、实用的圆锥曲线公切圆作图法。On this basis, a practical simple way to construct by the conical curves the common tangent circle is presented.

运用所提出的问题设计原则、策略及方法,在圆锥曲线的教学中进行了初步尝试。Applying the above five principles, six strategies and methods, the problem-scene in the teaching of cone curve is attempted.

圆锥曲线数字签名具有广泛的应用前景,也存在一些问题期待着人们去解决。Digital signature based on conic curve has more extensive application, but there also exists lots of problems for us to solve.

提出了一种将圆锥曲线拼接法与历表相结合,快速设计月球卫星地月转移轨道的方法。A fast design method for the lunar satellite transfer trajectory is presented by combining patched conic technique and ephemeris.

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直线被圆锥曲线截得弦的中点问题,是解析几何的重点和难点。The problems about the midpoints of the chords cut by the taper curve are the most critical and difficult in analytic geometry problems.

巧用圆锥曲线的定义,通过具体实例说明求最值的一些方法,对中学数学教学有积极的参考价值。Through the example, we gave the pattern ask for the most value make a clever use of the definition of circular Cone bend line in this paper.

利用参变量的变化范围及圆锥曲线的性质,求圆锥曲线的离心率。In this paper, we mainly use change bound of the parameters and properties of conic section to work out the eccentricity of the conic section.