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一个憨厚苍老的声音传来。A simple and honest old voice.

啊,你青春年少还是皓首苍老?O blower, are you young or old?

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等候,是终生最初的苍老。Wait, is the original hoary life.

他显得很苍老,远比他的年龄来的老。He looked so old, too old for his age.

苍老的日头下整座城都被魔咒封锁。A city spell-bound under the aging sun.

风华是一指流沙,苍老是一段年华。Elegance is a means sand, old is a Love.

她的脸颊凹陷下去了,使她看上去很苍老。Her cheeks had fallen in,making her look old.

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它们那样苍老坚定几乎密不透风。So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze.

她看着我眼神苍老而疲惫说道,“不,我会死的,贝斯。Her old, tired eyes looked at me.‘Yes I am, Bess.

“等一会儿”,一个羸弱而苍老的声音回答道。“Just a minute”, answered a frail, elderly voice.

随着岁月的流逝,他显得苍老多了。As time moved on, he looked much older than before.

她上次见到他时,他一副惨兮兮的样子苍老而疲惫。When she last saw him, he was a sad ─old and tired.

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苍老皱纹的脸上流着泪。While tears flowed down his worn and furrowed face.

因为它来自西土,那苍老二暗黄的山峦。For it comes from the west lands, the old brown hill.

⊙、那时候爱情还没有来得及淡却,而心已经苍老。At that time had time to light is love, the heart is old.

他的父亲远远的站在另一边,已经苍老了。His father is standing off to one side, he has grown old.

很多时候爱情还没来得及淡却,而心已经苍老。Love often is not enough time to light, but heart is old.

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测试结果呈阳性,对此我既惊且怒,并感到自己一下子苍老不少。When it came back positive, I felt old, scared and angry.

果真有一天,两鬓斑白心苍老,那也只能一声叹息,无可奈何。I know one day I will also get older, and have white hair.

生命昀悲剧在于莪们苍老昀太快却聪明昀太慢。Life's tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late.