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有警察是我编造的谎言。I lied about the policeman.

铝门是编造的。Aluminum Doors are fabricated.

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我精心编造了各种借口。I concocted elaborate excuses.

我知道他正在编造谎言。I know he's imagining a story.

他没有编造任何借口,我也不会。He has not excused it, nor do I.

你怎么能编造出一个人呢!You can't just make a person up.

他编造了一个他自己冒险的故事。He spun a tale of his adventures.

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他们为购买一辆新汽车编造预算。They budgeted for buying a new car.

他得为“他们”编造出一套理由。He had to construct a case for"them".

我编造了一个迟到的籍口。I concocted an excuse for being late.

努尔说那些指控是编造的。Mr Nour says the charge was trumped up.

我认为你真的应该停止编造谎言了。Now you've really stopped making sense.

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他编造了一个足以乱真的借口来欺骗我们。He invented a likely excuse to cheat us.

那么,到底是谁在编造谎言呢?Then, in the end who is fabricating lies?

他编造谎言为他的缺席开脱。He made up a story to explain his absence.

他会当场编造出一些稀奇古怪的货名。He would invent fanciful names on the spot.

如果你觉得必要,你可以编造一些别的。You can make up something else if you want.

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他为事故编造借口。He cooked up some excuse about the accident.

她编造出许多故事让我开心。How many tales to please me bath she coined.

他们编造了一套谎言来愚弄人民。They weaved a web of lies to fool the people.