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这些树根很好拔。These tree-roots pull easily.

树根烂了。The root of the tree rotted away.

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这棵死树根被蚂蚁唼了。The root of the tree rotted away.

她跃上了另一根上升的树根。She leaps to another elevated root.

奈提莉带领他爬上一个巨大的树根,不久他们就跑上了离地面30米高的地方。running 30 meters above the ground.

他被树根绊了一下。He stumbled over the root of a tree.

我们可以用绞车拔起这些大树根。We can winch out these big tree roots.

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艺术家把树根做成了根雕艺术品。Artists make root-carvings out of tree roots.

他一只脚被树根绊住而跌跤了。He caught his foot on a tree root and stumbled.

那条狗在树根处嗅来嗅去。The dog is snuffling around the root of a tree.

在撬树根时我们遇到了很多麻烦。We had a lot of trouble levering the roots out.

树根缠绕和诱捕再次对英雄有效。Entangling Roots and Ensnare work on Heroes again.

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树根若是圣洁,树枝也就圣洁了If the root is holy then the branches are also holy.

树根在地底下纠缠在一起。The roots of these tresses entwine under the ground.

杰克跟着奈提莉,沿着一根凸起的树根跑着。Jake follows Neytiri, running along a raised root-trunk.

这棵死树根被蚂蚁唼了。The root of this dead tree has been gnawed away by ants.

整个日本面临着饥饿,人们仅靠树根和草维持生命。Japanese, facing starvation, subsisted on roots and grass.

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教育之树根部是苦的,但其果实是甜蜜的。The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

数木都生长在坑道顶部,你能够看到那些下垂的树根。The trees are on the roof. You can see roots hanging down.

树根、人行道的裂缝和坑洞会带来危险。Tree roots, sidewalk cracks and potholes can be dangerous.