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一切都是瞬息水莲花。All these are fast water lotus.

瞬息之间,那颗卫星就消失了。The satellite disappeared in a wink.

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蜡烛两头点,瞬息即烧完。You cannot burn the candle at both end.

一切都消逝得如此之快,瞬息之间我们所熟悉的生活已然面目全非。It goes by so quickly, in a flash the life we knew is gone forever.

海的上方又出现了微微的金光,瞬息之间整个天空亮堂起来。A point of gold appeared above the sea and at once all the sky lightened.

资本和技术在不同地区之间瞬息转移。Capital and technology are transferred from one place to another within seconds.

瞬息片刻,可能会成为某些人一辈子拥有过的最重要的回忆。Ephemeral moments can be some of the most significant memories someone can have.

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瞬息之间,黑玫瑰已奔到了那女郎身前,直立不动。In a instant, Black Rose had run back and stood motionless in front of the girl.

扬能很快从这张专辑瞬息的成功中退避出来不足为奇。Unsurprisingly, Young would soon retreat from the runaway success of this album.

万物瞬息变化,大自然鬼斧神工,到了秋天,叶子由绿色变成金黄。Things grow and change, nature will call, Leaves turn from green, to Gold in Fall.

一切都是瞬息,一切都会过去,而过去了的,将会变成亲切的怀念.All will pass by and everything will be over.Past things will be pleasant memories.

流行文化的趋势瞬息即逝,但是,很显然,我们对动物的喜爱始终不变。Pop-culture trends come and go, but clearly our affection for our animals is a constant.

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积少能成巨大的财富,但是那也会瞬息即逝,化为无形无质。A tiny few have accumulated vast wealth but even that has an evanescent, almost ghostly quality.

陈锦恒没有追逐瞬息多变的时髦,他深悟现实主义永恒的魅力。Chen Jinheng didn't follow ever-changing fashion, but he deeply understood eternal charm of realism.

然而,股市的变化是瞬息难测的,经过几年的发展,很多情况发生了变化。The change of the stock market is difficult to examine, at present, a lot of situations have changed.

要了解宇宙中一切事物都是短暂而瞬息即逝,无论什么人总有一天都要死亡。Understand that everything in this universe is temporary and everyone has to die one day or the other.

全有意义的云彩和瞬息变幻的光与暗,在这些玩具之间,崇高的孩子展露笑颜。There smiles the Divine Child among his playthings of unmeaning clouds and ephemeral lights and shadows.

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这个年代的人们总是浮躁在贪得无厌的金钱中,或是瞬息即逝的快感中。People in this age always lost themselves in endless desire of fortune, or the fleetingly pleasant sensation.

所有这些也许早已存在于她身心之中,却在瞬息之间变得那么神奇迷人。Everything that could possibly have played itself out within her mind and body had promptly grown fascinating.

我被大千世界的小小细节和瞬息片刻所启发,他们让我停下脚步,暗问“为什么不”?I continue to be inspired by tiny details and moments in the world around me that make me pause and ask "why not?"