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我打算去函索要一份目录单。I'm going to send for a catalog.

我们去函索要了新目录。We send off for the new catalogue.

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甚至,我向他索要一个晚安之吻。I even asked him for a goodnight kiss.

我想要一个赠阅版本,所以我写信去索要。I want a free copy so I'll write away for one.

我是说,他有没有向你索要钱物?I mean, did he ask you for your money or anything?

勇气是生活在赋予人平静时索要的代价。Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace.

在收到索要的物资时,确保回电向OFDA报告。Be sure to cable OFDA upon receipt of the requested items.

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昨晚收到一学生来信,索要雅思试题例文,请求我帮着写一篇!Last night, I got an Email for a sample writing by myself.

公司早期的员工虽然只是朝九晚五,但向他索要六位数的工资。Early employees are demanding six-figure pay for 9 to 5 hours.

你需要在前面侦察,确认巴索要走的路线是安全的。You'll need to scout ahead to make sure Basso's route is safe.

陈平状告儿子不孝,并且索要赡养费。Chen accuses his son of being not filial and asks for solatium.

西莱斯特索要那笔钱用作一座旧农舍的首付款。Celeste asked for the money as a down payment on an old farmhouse.

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我认为她会微笑,然后再控告我,向我索要十亿美元。I think she would smile. And then she'd sue me for a billion dollars.

当时叙利亚正处于法国的控制之下,他为什么不索要那里的基地以便攻击苏伊士?Why did he not demand bases in French-controlled Syria to attack Suez?

我打电话是索要你们的电脑新产品-PC100的资料。I'm calling to get some information about your new computer, the PC100.

客战特雷维索要全力争胜,德尚的球队深知这一点。Only a win will do away at Treviso, a team Deschamps seems to know well.

补充几点,这个网站从不会索要个人信息Several notes, the website will never ask you for identifying information.

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我还会索要一名人质,以确保鸦树城不会再次反叛。I'll claim a hostage as well, to ensure that Raventree does not rise again.

在商议中,刘建功提出先向日军索要供暖设备。In counsel, put forward the LiuJianGong first to ask for heating equipment.

但是,“他们不能被阻碍发展,这就是我们为什么没有像警方那样,向他们索要删帖的权限”。That's why we didn't ask for access to delete topics, like the police have.