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她的仔细认真成为对我的鞭策。Her carefulness rebukes me.

远大的志向鞭策着他。The great ambition is spurring him on.

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他扬鞭策马前进。He urged his horse forward with his whip.

中国的投行是鞭策中国增进。I-checking in China is which involves improving China.

感谢中国企联陈英女士的鼓励和鞭策。Thank you Ms. Chen Ying for your encouragement and urges.

只因不随俗,整个世界都不悦鞭策着你。For nonconformity, the world whips you with its displeasure.

钢够鞭策感谢比我克林顿!赣廾好!我希看您没有会正在有死之年为之悔怨。Thanks Bill Clinton! nice going! I hope you dont live to regret it!

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过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一个鞭策。The people who learnt from us, now surpass us, which can be a lesson.

查考其中的律法并让它鞭策你的内心,引导你悔改。Examine the Law and let it strike your heart to lead you to repentance.

我们鞭策自己是因为当我们做好事情时我们会感到自豪。We beat ourselves up because we pride ourselves on getting things done.

荔园仿佛就是一面旗子,鼓励鞭策着快到胜利坡岸的我们。Liyuan is a flag seemed to spur the imminent victory of our shore slope.

推进者是充满活力的鞭策者,能激发团队投入行动。Shapers are the dynamic whip-crackers who provoke their team into action.

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他坚持骑着,鞭策着马儿尽可能地快跑。He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible.

骑着斑溪兽的战士们高举长矛和弓箭,鞭策着他们的座骑飞向天空。Banshee riders raise spears and bows, spurring their mounts to leap skyward.

从我还是个穿短裤的小男孩起,母亲就不断用这些话来鞭策我。She has hounded me with these battle cries since I was a boy in short pants.

他喜欢用这些名言佳句来鞭策自己。He likes to encourage himself with these famous words and meaningful sentences.

甚至是当他出错的时候,他的错误理论也鞭策人们去寻找更加接近真相的理论。Even when he was wrong it forced people to find out what was closer to the truth.

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他挥鞭策马,刚好赶在其他骑手前到达终点。Whipping his horse on, he reached the finishing post just ahead of the other riders.

当建立自律时,你不能过度地鞭策自己。It’s a mistake to try to push yourself too hard when trying to build self-discipline.

这四个赛季里,他们容忍他的一切,开他玩笑,逗他,鼓舞他,鞭策他。For four seasons they have tolerated him, humored him, teased him, goaded him, pushed him.