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他们赤着脚在潮湿的硬梆梆的沙滩上走着。They walked barefoot on the damp hard sand.

新鞋合脚前都是硬梆梆的。New shoes are stiff until you break them in.

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城内主街,一条留有很深的车辙的马路,冻得硬梆梆的。The main street was a deeply rutted road, now frozen hard.

可是,这样的相信,反射在世界上的却是像骨头一样硬梆梆的。However, such believe, reflected in the world is as hard and as bones.

这角色同时给了你一个机会去使用到那些硬梆梆的文邹邹语汇。The role also gives you the chance to use some pretty industrial language too.

过了一会儿他觉得是一个硬梆梆、沉甸甸的东西,他断定这是一条大鱼。After a while he felt a hard, heavy things, he concluded that this is a big fish.

我发现,这一类硬梆梆的法律文书令人相当不愉快,尤其是当它们来自初创企业时。I find this sort of pushy legal stuff very off-putting, especially for start-ups.

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若是碰上硬梆梆的卖家,一点也不让步,她就觉得“买得不爽”。If touch, go up of hard rat-tat rat-tat sell the home, concessional not at all, she feels " buy accurate ".

但这种面料易受天气变化的影响,天冷变得硬梆梆,而天热就粘糊糊。The fabric was vulnerable to changes in the weather, becoming stiffer in the cold and stickier in the heat.

当我坐在公园硬梆梆的长凳上,假装陶醉在一本颤抖的书中,我幻想的冒险是多么妙不可言。How marvelous were my fancied adventures as I sat on a hard park bench pretending to be immersed in a trembling book.

有一天,他在一家饭店点了一碗法式洋葱汤,汤里的格鲁耶尔奶酪通常是融化了的,有点粘稠,那天却硬梆梆的。He had ordered a bowl one day at a restaurant , but found the typically stringy, melted Gruyere cheese to be a challenge.

打球的人从高空掉下来,脑袋撞在硬梆梆的铁球上,还有各种各样能让他们严重挂彩的伤害。People fall from great heights, get hit in the head by solid iron balls, and do all sorts of things which should cause serious harm.

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就在这时,她看见一间猎人栖身的小屋,便走了进去,发现屋子里有六张小床,可她不敢躺在床上,于是就爬到一张床下,躺在了硬梆梆的地上,准备在那里过夜。She found a room with six little beds, but she did not dare to get into one of them. Instead she crawled under one of them and lay down on the hard ground where she intended to spend the night.