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你查收邮件的频率是多少?How often do you check your email?

我已将本月报表做完,请查收。Enclosed please find this month's PNL.

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兹随函附上价目表一份,请查收。Enclosed you will find a copy of pricelist.

比如一边听,一边查收邮件。Listening to while checking my email?

又及,请同时查收一些我在便利店找到的巧克力蚂蚁。Some chocolate-covered ants I found at the deli.

如果像我们一样,你可能会查收邮件。If you're like us, you probably check your email.

附件中是清样稿,请查收!The manuscript is in the appendix, please check it.

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随函寄给贵方我公司最新简介一式两份,请查收。Enclosed please find our latest brochure in duplicate.

请查收附件初步订单数量和查询信息。Attached pls find the initial order qty and inquiry info.

今天的会议记录在附件里查收。Please check the attached file for today’s meeting notes.

有一条来自我朋友L的口信,我会放在那两周而不去查收。A message from my friend L. languished there for two weeks.

随函附上我方会签的合同,请查收。Enclosed please find the duplicate with our countersignature.

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你告诉自己,为了以防万一,你需要查收邮件。You tell yourself you need to check your emails just in case.

附件里的是银行的汇款底单,请查收!Attached is the cash remittance from the bank, please check it.

附件中是关于圣诞灯饰的报价,请查收!Attachment is the quotation about the christmas lights, check it pls.

当然,下班之后或在周末的时候,你也可能会查收邮件。And you've probably checked email after hours or on the weekends, too.

在我查收邮件,上网,和查阅回复之前,我会先坐下来写点东西。Before I check email or Twitter or read my feeds, I sit down and write.

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现随函附寄去经我方会签的一份请查收。Now we enclose a copy of contract countersigned by us for you to check.

我们已经发了订单跟价格单到您的邮箱,请查收。We have sent the order list and price list to your email, please check.

不要拿查收邮件做借口,而不去澄清自己对某些事物的看法。Don't use emails as an excuse not to clarify your thinking on something.