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波动方程式。It is a wave equation.

也就是波动很大的饮食习惯That is, yo-yo dieting.

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哦,我得到了波动力学。Oh, I got wave mechanics.

价格随着需求的变化而波动。The price hovers with demand.

汇率的上下波动很正常。Exchange rates go up and down.

美波动在她乌黑的发上Which waves in every raven tress

优美波动在她乌黑的发鬓。Which waves in every raven tress.

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她觉察出了原力的波动。She detected ripples in the Force.

我感觉到原力里有波动…I sense a disturbance in the force.

这就是我做的,波动力学。That is what I did. Wave mechanics.

你只是大雷达上波动着的一个小红点。You are but a tiny blip on a giant radar.

涨跌幅限制降低了股价波动吗?。Does Stock Price Limits Reduce Volatility?

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他因情绪波动而又哭又笑。He wept and laughed as his humor moved him.

他因情绪波动而又哭又笑。He wept and laughed as his humour moved him.

价格不因整批尺寸的变化而发生波动。The cost is not sensitive to the batch size.

本文首先讨论了2.5维波动方程。At first, 2.5D elastic equation is discussed.

气温经常剧烈波动。Its temperature often fluctuates dramatically.

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汇率的波动毫无定数可言。There's a lot of volatility in exchange rates.

分析了推力的频谱,发现推力存在着较大的波动。The frequency of thg thrust force was analyzed.

普通研磨压力随机波动,变化无规律性。The pressure of common gritting waves randomly.