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他们妄图以女色迫我就范。They tried to starve me out by a sex-trap.

贪图权力、财货与女色,是其腐败的主要表现。It was manifested by seeking power riches and women.

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于是,他开始堕落,沉迷女色。Then, he begins to degenerate, indulge woman's charms.

追求众多女色的男人差不多都属两种类型。Menwho pursue a multitude of women fit neatly into two categories.

居住的地方改变,谢绝喝酒和女色。The place of living should change, and one should abstain from wine and sex.

使我烦躁不安的是无法表达自己的想法,人们认为我是一个追逐女色的人。But what eats me up is that I can't express myself. People think I'm a cunt chaser.

两个沉溺于女色的单身汉爱上孪生姐妹运行性瘾诊所。Two womanizing bachelors fall in love with twin sisters who run a sex addiction clinic.

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他们往往将对女色的渴望隐藏于内心,以示自己儒士之风范。They often hid the hunger for women in heart so as to show their demeanor of Confucianism.

女色有追求权力的欲望,而一些掌权者也有好色的嗜好。The pursuit of power and woman has the desire, and there are a number of power lecherous hobby.

有保母照料的男婴未来较可能沉迷于女色,一位精神病学家宣称。Baby boys who are looked after by nannies are more likely to womanise, a psychiatrist has claimed.

随后Hall公开了他们的癖好,他沉溺于女色而她爱他爱的无法自拔。Hall later opened up about their addictions, he was addicted to women and she was addicted to loving him.

宫体诗是在南朝梁代中期流行的一种以描绘女色与艳情为主体的文学形式。Gongti Poem is a genre of literary whose principal parts of description are women and their amorous affairs.

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洛克菲勒甚至是艰苦朴素、不近女色,这才是真正的慈善家。David Rockefeller even lives a hard and plain life, restraining himself from sex scandals. These are real philanthropists.

如何在成为人质后逃生,特工学校还特别注意训练“女色特工”和“男色特工”。How to become hostages escape, agent after school also pay special attention to training "spy" and "videotape likes agent.

笔者认为从虞舜时就产生了对贪污、贿赂罪进行惩罚的律文,古代的贪赂罪包括财物和女色两种。The paper believes that the law castigating the crime of corruption and bribe was practiced in the Shun Period, which centered on property and sex.

因腓力不住追求女色,胡安娜一天到晚只顾寻出谁是丈夫情人,把治理国家大事抛之脑后。Due to Philip's incessant philandering, Juana became fixated on ferreting out the identity of his lovers to the neglect of the governance of the kingdom.

安东尼,恺撒部将。后因迷恋女色而战败被杀。克劳底亚,古罗马执政官,亦因好色而被杀。Anthony, Caesar department. Because after infatuated with defeat were killed and likes. Crowe, the ancient Roman consul, and also because lewd and killed.

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就是跟我的感情生活有关。31岁之前,我是一个传统意义上的不近女色的人,我们同班同学就说我是可敬可畏不可亲。I was with the feelings of living. 31-year-old, I was a non-traditional sense of the past and woman, we say, I was a classmate of fearfully not cordial and respectful.

齐代最引人注目的发展是人工物品和女色的入诗,这一变化确定了南朝咏物诗的发展方向。In Qi Dynasty the noticeable development is the artificial goods and the sexual female enters the poem, this change has determined the Southern Dynasty Object-Chanting Poetry's development direction.