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我是一条小溪,你是我的甘泉。I am a bourn, you are my mellifluence.

我选择化为甘泉流入麦田。I choose change into the fresh-tasting spring water inflow wheat field.

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“爱的荒漠与甘泉”成为莫里亚克创作中的主旋律。"Desert and spring of love" became the master melody in Mauriac's creation.

随后,金被担架抬出拳击台,送往沙漠甘泉医院。Kim was carried out of the ring by stretcher and rushed to Desert Springs Hospital.

湛甘泉是以陈白沙为代表的江门学派的无可争议的传人。Zhan Ganquan was an undeniable successor of the Jiangmen School represented by Chen Baisha.

如果我是山峦间一滴甘泉,我愿飞驰而下,留下磬石水溅之声。If I was a drop of fountain intermountain , I would drop , until nothing but the echo collision.

即使是件微不足道的事,只要有相互体谅对方的心,就是荒漠里的甘泉。Even in a trivial matter, consideration for each other is necessary, which is sping water in a wilderness.

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即使是件微不足道的事,只要有互相体谅对方的心,就是荒漠里的甘泉。Even in a trivial matter, consideration for each other is necessary, which is spring water in a wilderness.

即使是件微不足道的事,只要有互相体谅对方的心,就如同荒漠里见到甘泉。Even in a trivial matter, consideration for each other is necessary , which is spring water in a wilderness.

然而,这或许只是美政府又一个只赔不赚的中心决策之一,掘地三尺却不见甘泉冒出。In one of its centerpiece initiatives, however, the administration may be digging a very expensive dry hole.

真的,对一个人来说,世上最好的赠礼莫过于将他的一切希冀化为焦唇,将一切生命化为甘泉。Surely there is no greater gift to a man than that which turns all his aims into parching lips and all life into a fountain.

考古调查证明,甘泉昆明池中曾有多个水面建筑。Through archaeological survey, it has been proved that there were many buildings erected out of the Kunming Pond in Ganquan.

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汉甘泉昆明池遗址在甘泉宫遗址南面的小池村一带。The site of Kunming Pond in Ganquan during the Han Dynasty is somewhere in Xiaochi Village to the south of the site of Palace Ganquan.

沙漠净水沙湖在弯月沙山回音壁南约2公里处,是一个小面积沙池,终年不渴,为难得的“沙漠甘泉”。Water sand in the desert south bend around on desert echo wall 2 kilometers, is a small area, aged not thirsty, settling for rare "desert oasis".

克里斯蒂娜-瓦尔迪兹说,她的女儿卡桑德拉-加西亚有一天放学回家时带回一张纸“奖状”。女儿在亚利桑那州图森的沙漠甘泉学校就读。Christina Valdez said her daughter, Cassandra Garcia, came home one day from class at Desert Springs Academy in Tucson, Ariz. , with the paper award.

本文以扬州市邗江区甘泉镇为例,探讨了城郊型小城镇环境保护及生态建设的思路。In this paper, taking Ganquan Town of Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City as an example, the plan of environmental protection and construction is detailed.

将九龙山的龙嘴凿开,清冽的甘泉就会喷涌而出,源头活水便取之不尽,用之不竭了。The latter discloses to him that once the dragon mouth of the Nine Dragon Hill is cut open, an inexhaustible supply of cool and fresh water will come gushing out.

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上海普陀区甘泉社区居民签署了协议用自行车代替汽车出行,还有的社区通过认领树木来扩大绿化带。Residents of Putuo district's Ganquan community have signed an agreement to use bicycles instead of automobiles, while other groups are adopting plants to develop more greenbelts in the city.

宋代为三点与三不点品茶,“三点”为新茶、甘泉、洁器为一,天气好为一,风流儒雅、气味相投的佳客为一。The song dynasty is the three and three don't taste tea, "three" for fresh tea, oasis, clean ware is one, the weather is good for one, romantic elegant, with like-minded preferred guest for a.

川东北开县满月甘泉剖面长兴组早期发育两期生物丘,分别位于两个向上变浅的沉积旋回中上部。Two phases of bioherms are respectively developed in the middle-upper of two descending cycles in the forepart of Changxing Formation in Manyue-Ganquan section of Kaixian, northeastern Sichuan.