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柳枝迎风摇摆。The willow branches swing in the breeze.

柳枝低垂在水面上。The branches of the willows drooped over the water.

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柳枝稷是一种生长快速的多年生本地草种。Switchgrass is a perennial native grass that grows quickly.

用柳枝可以很快地做成一个挂钩。A very quick hanger with a hook is made from a willow branch.

柳枝稷将是用于气体发生器中的生物量原料。Switchgrass will be the biomass feedstock fed into the gasifier.

说来奇特而又普通,就只是一根随手折下来的柳枝。And strange to say the ordinary, just pick a fold down switchgrass.

小河边一阵阵清风拂过,堤岸柳枝飘舞,粉色花瓣纷飞。A small river a breeze blowing, the willows fluttered, pink petals fly.

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古人清理口腔和牙齿用手指和柳枝。The ancients clean up the mouth and teeth with your fingers and Panicum.

柳枝吐出如烟的思绪,擎住蔚蓝色的梦境。Switchgrass cigarettes out of the thoughts, the blue engine to live a dream.

在冬天悄悄逝去的日子里,最叫人高兴的是那慢慢绽放幼芽的柳枝。The most thing makes us happy is the growing sallows as the winter fades away.

这个方法是在第一层打下了一层芦苇柳枝,可能是编制品。This method involved first laying down a layer of willow reeds, possibly woven.

这个瓶子由柳枝,松树树皮和玉米秸秆以及其他的材料制成。The bottle is made from switch grass, pine bark, corn husks and other materials.

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舂天,万物复苏,岸边的小草和柳枝都伸了个懒腰,缓缓的探出头来。Chung day, all things recovery, shore, grass, and switchgrass are, slowly poking.

江淮等地,盛行寒食节在家门插柳枝。JAC and other places, the prevailing Cold Food Festival in the house willow inserted.

重点关注了玉米,甘蔗,细叶芒,柳枝稷和北美草原的当地植物。They focused on corn, sugar cane, Miscanthus, switchgrass and native prairie grasses.

柳枝会在你身后柔柔的摆动,偶尔拂上斜倚的肩头。Panicum will swing behind you Rou Rou, and occasionally brush shoulders on the reclining.

奥德姆称,壳牌公司正在使用海藻、柳枝稷等非粮食作物研发新的生物燃料。Odum said Shell is focusing on biofuels from non-food sources like algae or switchgrass.

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窗外的柳枝摇碎了月亮,月光如瀑布静静地泄在天上。Panicum shook the windows broken moon, the moon, such as waterfall quietly vent is in heaven.

思玉望着窗外的柳树,柳枝随风舞动,像一头梳不齐的乱发。Siyu looked out the window at the willow trees, their branches waving like unruly hair in the wind.

剥去柳枝的外皮,选择白色的鲜花,都是每个人自己细心操作的。The peeling of the former, and the selection of the latter, had been an operation of personal care.