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我们可以得益于两者。We can have both.

再问一遍,谁从中得益了?Again, who benefits from that?

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他将从进一步的学习中得益的。He will benefit by further study.

谦逊常比傲慢得益更多。Humility often gains more than pride.

新铁路将使这地区得益。The new railway will benefit the district.

他俩谁也没从发生的事情中得益。Neither of them benefited by what happened.

她从未得益于那个经验教训。She has never benefited from all that experience.

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当然我们也从1981年的大事件中得益匪浅?And surely we have learned from the events of 1981?

交叉推广是得益于完善的数据处理技术Cross-promotion thanks to sophisticated data handling

这一次,得益于大卫-特雷泽盖的金球。This time, courtesy of David Trezeguet's golden goal.

身体及心魄的得益亦被详载…The physical and spiritual benefits are also detailed.

这种形式的电子商务得益于宽带网。This form of e-commerce benefits from wideband access.

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这主要是得益于美韩之间的深厚的合作关系。This is mainly down to the deep US-Seoul relationship.

男人们能够更快地练出肌肉得益于他们拥有睾丸素。Guys build muscles faster because they have testosterone.

在接下来的特别长韶光里,我希望利物浦也能从其中得益。In the long term, I hope that will also benefit Liverpool.

显然,这些无不得益于觊觎的任何及所有的供应商。Clearly, these are benefits coveted by any and all suppliers.

这个“出租国家”的灵感得益于美国说唱歌手“史努比狗狗”。This whole-country-rental idea started with rapper Snoop Dogg.

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丹阳黄酒甘冽醇香,得益于练湖的水好。Danyang wine Ganlie mellow, thanks to practice good water lake.

得益于像汤风腌这样的出口商,eBay重新开拓中国市场。Thanks to exporters like Tang, eBay has a China business again.

生命中最大的快乐得益于我们所忠爱且有益于自身的人生信条。The supreme happiness is that the conviction that we are loved.