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那青年觊觎王位。He pretended to the throne.

中国也觊觎稳定。China, too, covets stability.

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艾波比先生不觊觎权力。Mr Appleby does not covet power.

那青年觊觎王位。The young man pretended to the throne.

他一直觊觎着经理的职位。He was kept starting for the manager's seat.

你要么已经上了贼船,要么正在觊觎。You've been on the Love Boat or know someone who has.

显然,这些无不得益于觊觎的任何及所有的供应商。Clearly, these are benefits coveted by any and all suppliers.

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我并不觊觎首相职务,也不寻求其他署理职位。I am not seeking the leadership, nor acting with anyone else.

我们不能让朝鲜觊觎我们哪怕是一寸领土。We cannot let North Korea covet even an inch of our territory.

但是有大约10家不同的结算所都在觊觎这项业务。But about 10 different clearinghouses are vying for the business.

造反势力是由觊觎王位者领导的。A humiliated pretender governed a rump kingdom from Bourges in the south.

这样的结局却乐坏了不断觊觎部长位置的崔社长。The end result was tickled constantly coveted position of cui presidents.

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一直觊觎黄金未能得手的大铁塔也被白丁看出了端倪。Has been coveted gold failed to get big tower has also been an see the signs.

有了这根军事大棒,印加帝王开始觊觎别人的土地和资源。With this big stick, Inca kings began eyeing the lands and resources of others.

没有上千家,也有几百家公司在觊觎这个有销路的市场。Hundreds, if not thousands, of other companies are eyeing this promising market.

然而私底下,她却对玛丽总是觊觎英格兰的王座耿耿于怀。But privately she considered how Mary had often laid claim to the English throne.

远处,一只豺狗暗中注视,觊觎狮子的残羹剩饭。A jackal watches from a distance, hoping for a few scraps when the lions are done.

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举例来讲,他们或许有那些你时常觊觎名车豪宅。For example, they might have the flashy car and big house which you always wanted.

从某种角度来说,这应是美国觊觎的机遇。This is, in one view, an opportunity that the United States should greedily covet.

觉知为该觊觎所浸染、为该贪婪所浸染,他度过了那一日。He spends the day with an awareness imbued with that covetousness, with that greed.