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盐沼,盐泉,盐塘或盐湖。A salt marsh, spring, pond, or lake.

在纳米比亚的索苏斯盐沼,两个远足旅客攀登沙丘45。Two hikers climb Dune 45 at Sossusvlei, Namibia.

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盐沼中的机器设备上有玻利维亚国旗在飘扬。The Bolivian flag flies over equipment on the salt flats.

这种海蛞蝓生活在新英格兰和加拿大盐沼地。The sea slugs live in salt marshes in New England and Canada.

旱季是最被推崇的盐沼游览时节。The dry season is the most recommended period for a visit to the Uyuni Salt Flat.

在海湾的一头,盐沼的芦苇丛中栖息着蛇、海龟和各种鱼类。On the bay side, salt marshes host snakes, turtles and a variety of fish among their reeds.

它们形成了一个前有侵蚀带后有泻湖和盐沼的堤洲堰滩。They produce a barrier beach with an eroded zone in front and a lagoon or salt marsh behind.

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为了举出废地的例子,法院借用了以前盐沼地案。As an example of such useless lands, the court referred to a prior case involving a salt marsh.

盐湖的生态系统包括盐水域和环湖盐沼带两个亚系统。The ecosystem of saline includes briny region and annulus lake salina to take two inferior system.

这栋宫殿是用盐板制成,伫立在玻利维亚乌尤尼盐沼的中央。The palace, built with slabs of salt, stands in the middle of Bolivia's Salar de Uyuni salt plains.

近二十多年,盐沼水-沉积物-植物界面流速的研究取得了很大的进展。The study of saltmarsh water-sediment-plant interface made a great progress in re- cent two decays.

要想自然恢复盐沼,则需在堤外保留足够大的面积。Large enough area must be keep outside the seawall in order that the salt marshes recover naturally.

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这里,尤其是纳赛盐沼地区周围,是数以千计的黑尾牛羚、斑马和大羚羊的栖息之地。The park is the home to thousands of wildebeest, zebra and gemsbok, especially around the nxai pan area.

这部电影遵循三条脱衣舞,瓦尔纳桑塔纳作为领导,谁爱赛车在加州盐沼他们的汽车。The movie follows three strippers, led by Satana as Varna, who love racing their cars on the California salt flats.

盐湖的生态系统包括盐水域和环湖盐沼带两个亚系统。The ecosystem of saline lakes can be divided into two subecosystems i. e. brine area and sur-rouding salt marsh ecosystems.

我从45沙丘走向世界上最高的沙丘“大爹爹”,然后走向索苏斯维雷的盐沼和黏土盆地。From Dune 45 I proceed to Big Daddy, the highest dune in the world, and then it's on to the salt and clay pan of Sossusvlei.

同样应该指出,一些调查研究列入特别是河口地区的草木,如盐沼。Again it should be emphasised that few of the surveys included especially studied estuarine vegetated areas such as saltmarsh.

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利用稳定同位素示踪技术,对崇明东滩盐沼湿地夏季不同生境大型底栖动物的食物来源和营养结构进行了初步研究。East Chongming salt marsh, located in the east of Changjiang Estuary, is a large wetland, which exhibits a variety of macrobenthos.

根据崇明东滩观测结果,概括了盐沼水动力过程的影响因素,指出了以后研究应重视的问题。Finally, this paper summarizes the factors affecting hydrodynamics in the salt marsh, and gives the suggestions on the future works.

为模拟复杂盐沼系统孔隙水流动及溶质运移,改进了美国地质勘测局编制的SUTRA程序。In this paper, we modify the SUTRA code to simulate the complex pore water flows and the associated solute transport in marsh soils.