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让我们红尘做伴活的潇潇洒洒。Let us the company live Xiaoxiao Sasa.

把握青春年华,活得潇潇洒洒。So grasp the youth to lead a chic life.

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无力的风,歌声渐弱,落叶潇潇。Faint winds, and a song fading and leaves falling.

因为你,我放弃了潇潇洒洒的单身生活。Because of you. I gave up a little guilty of single life.

而房屋所有权人也就可以潇潇洒洒做房东了。Housing ownership people will be drizzly Sasa do landlords.

故国伤心,新亭泪眼,更酒潇潇雨。The new pavilion old sad, tearful eyes, drizzly rain more wine.

潇潇的秋雨深重,瑟瑟的秋风中透着丝丝凉意。Drizzly rain heavy, rustling autumn wind appearing in the coolness.

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秋雨潇潇,冷气逼人,真真切切的感受到早秋的魅力。Rain Xiaoxiao, cold pressing, the true feelings to early autumn charm.

五班输了比赛,余淮安慰伤心的文潇潇,耿耿醋意升腾。Class five lost the game, Yu Huai raining, comforted the fidelity and jealousy.

沁沁凉意,潇潇细雨,原来我已走进初秋的风景里了。Qinqin cool, Xiaoxiao rain, I walked into the original landscape in the early autumn.

普希金的优美诗句如潇潇春雨,习习春风,滋润人的心田,使心灵得到净化与升华。The beautiful poem is like mild rain and wind in the spring, which purifies one's spirit.

大孝子秦琼在老母亲和红佛女的帮助下,终于将楚潇潇拥入怀中。Big QinQiong son in the old red Buddha woman kissing help, finally will chu rustling in the bosom.

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主要展现刚刚失恋的潇潇,在室友玲玲正处于热恋的环境中的心理情绪变化。This is about Xiaoxiao who is just lovelorn. Her psychological changes when her roommates is in love.

今春第一次房展会在一场潇潇春雨中徐徐拉开帷幕,众多新老楼盘纷纷亮相。First formed in the spring of a drizzly spring rains, slowly began, many new and old properties have unveiled.

今日我的心向它落泪的昨夜浮起笑意,仿佛一棵湿漉漉的树在潇潇雨歇后于阳光中熠熠生辉。My heart to-day smiles at its past night of tears like a wet treeglistening in the sun after the rain is over.

楼上一条走廊,一排木横栏,恰好是我向往的“凭栏处,潇潇雨歇”。Upstairs a corridor, a row of wooden horizontal column, I just want "Pinglan Department, drizzly rain hysteria."

走到窗前,拉开窗帘,呈现在眼前的是一幅秋雨潇潇,晨雾皑皑的景象。Walk to the window, open the curtain, in the immediate present is a rain Xiaoxiao, the morning mist white scene.

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回来?”金潇潇忽然问出一句,语气冷冷,却带着几分逼迫之意。Come back?"The gold Xiao Xiao suddenly asks a , the tone is cold, but takes the idea of forcing for several pence."

胡晓娥看到董明和余潇潇在车厢调情,她开始怀疑董明给自己说的一切。See Hu Xiaoe, Dong Ming and Yu Xiaoxiao in the car to flirt, she began to doubt everything Dong Ming said to myself.

花园门打开了,湿树叶的气味飘进来,潇潇雨声同尤金悲凉凄苦的歌声交织在一起。The garden door is open and the odor of wet leaves sops in and the rain blends with Eugene's angoisse and tristesse.