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“金牛贺岁,牛气年年”其实是说——牛年来到,祝福年年都有牛运。The year of the Ox is coming , and I wish you best luck year and year.

而尽管有牛气的上升,长期趋势仍然强势向下。And despite a bull rally, the long-term trend can still point very strongly down.

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虽然整体市场前景不甚乐观,日产对在华销售预测却牛气冲天。While its overall outlook remained cautious, its sales forecasts for China look bullish.

突然爆发的通货膨胀,牛气冲天的日本人说,会为经济提供一记它急需的强心针。A burst of inflation, the Japan bulls say, will provide just the shot in the arm that the economy needs.

尽管没有经济学家预言中国经济数十年牛气冲天的增长会结束。但很多人的看法趋于谨慎。Though no economist is forecasting the end to China's decades-long bull run, many have turned more cautious.

新生牛气管粘膜细胞表面有牛轮状病毒受体存在。The receptor for bovine rotavirus has existed on the cell surface of the tracheal mucous membrane of neonatal bovine.

美特斯·邦威等国内外服装大牌在当今的市场上,为何能呼风唤雨、牛气十足?ZARA, H&M, USA · big nation prestige clothing at home and abroad, such as in today's market, full of why shakers, arrogant?

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我认为是教育的模式美国人有时给人的感觉是有点牛气哄哄,什么都敢怀疑,什么都敢问一个“为什么”。I think it should be its education mode. The Americans seem aggressive, brave enough to question and to ask why about everything.

股票市场分析师在有一个长期赚钱的预期的时候往往牛气冲天,然而对于刺激计划之后的经济情况,似乎和经济学家有同样的感觉。Stock-market analysts, who are usually wildly bullish on far-off earnings projections, seem to have the same tentative take on the post-stimulus economy.

为了帮助你在购买经历中赢得司机宝座,你首先要学学游戏规则,这样你或许在大功告成之际甚至还能牛气十足地侃一侃自己旗开得胜的经历。To help you take the driver's seat in the buying experience, first learn to play the game, and you might even end up doing some smooth talking of your own.

如果你是位“牛气”的CEO或者是同一层次的创新者,这儿有一些有用的点子,可以让你的企业运作得更好,更充实!If you are a bullish CEO or a bullish innovator within the ranks, here are few tips that will absolutely make your corporate life better—and more fulfilling.