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此后他重新开始筹募资金。Then he began again his work of collecting.

他们为这一运动筹募基金。They collect funds to finance the movement.

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她已经筹募了超过一万两千美元。She had raised more than twelve thousand dollars.

这将改变如何筹募资金的规则。That's going to change the rules about how to raise money.

筹募教育与弘法活动基金。To raise funds for the YBAM Penang SLC education & dharma propagation.

今天参加一个为小孩筹募基金的义演。Today I took part in a benefit performance, collecting funds for children.

我们村里准备举行游艺会,以筹募经费建造礼堂。Our village is holding a fete to raise money for the building of the new hall.

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恒丰酒店与奥比斯合办「创造奇迹」救盲筹款活动,为奥比斯筹募款项。Prudential Hotel and ORBIS co- organising the " Make a Difference" Fundraising programme.

所有的外籍成员每年都要向建华付一个行政费,也要自己负责筹募生活费用。All associates pay an annual administration fee and are also responsible for raising their personal support.

中国自1990年代以来,为减轻国库负担,开始要求医院自行筹募资金,而问题就是在这个时候衍生开来。The problem began when China made hospitals self-funding in the 1990s to ease a heavy burden on state coffers.

巨额捐献顾问职责是于其所委派的地区内促进并筹募巨额捐献至扶轮基金会。The Major Gift Advisor is responsible for promoting and raising major gifts to the Foundation in assigned districts.

护法行是马佛青每三至四年一次唯一的大型筹募活动基金的工作。Dharma Walk is the event organised by the YBAM once every three to four years to raise fund for the activities and administration.

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由鲁迪盖Flight22基金赞助的星期二举行的比赛,是一个专为儿童教育筹募资金的非盈利组织。Proceeds from Tuesday's game benefited Gay's Flight 22 Foundation, a nonprofit organization that raises funds for childhood education.

演员本·斯蒂勒曾和哈吉斯一起去过海地,据他回忆,有一次哈吉斯在短短两个小时之内就筹募到了四百五十万美元。The actor Ben Stiller, who has accompanied Haggis to Haiti, recalls that Haggis once raised four and a half million dollars in two hours.

这些努力包括对恐怖分子如何筹募资金、利用新技术、依靠非正式转移资金手段等新出现的趋势加以注意。These include looking at emerging trends in how terrorists raise money, exploit new technologies and rely on informal methods of moving money.

据法新社报道,委内瑞拉一反对党成员为了给下月举行的国会选举筹募竞选基金,竟搞起了隆胸抽奖活动。An opposition candidate in next month's Venezuelan legislative elections is holding a breast implant raffle to fund his campaign, AFP reported.

他希望发动他在海外建立的「植堂」去筹募捐项,用以帮助耶路撒冷的母堂,因为耶路撒冷出现大饥荒。He wanted to organize financial help for the "sending" churches. The Jerusalem Christians had a very great need brought on by a prolonged famine.

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香港红十字会将运用你的个人资料作捐款收据、通讯、筹募本会经费及收集意见之用途。We shall use your personal data for issuing receipts, fostering communications, raising funds and conducting surveys for the Hong Kong Red Cross.

此次慈善义卖会的举行,主要目的是让广大的社会群众了解昙华苑一直以来所积极推动的各项活动,并筹募所需的活动大楼建筑基金。The main objective of the charity fair is to create public awareness for the temple activities and fund raising for construction of adjoining building.

观鸟大赛不单为本会筹募管理米埔的所需经费,同时亦让香港市民能藉此机会一同观赏本地奇妙的野生生态,实在是一项非常有意义的活动。BBR is vital as it not only raises necessary funds for the management of Mai Po, it also engages people across Hong Kong in monitoring our fascinating birdlife.