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你每次都把结局透漏出来。You always give away the endings!

据埃蒙斯谈,大多数的门都透漏空气。According to Emmons, most doors leak air.

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在关于与埃默森的争吵上你能否透漏一些信息?Can you shed some light on the Emerson controversy?

明显的眼袋和低沉的说话声透漏出失望的心境。There were bags under their eyes. Their voices never rose.

奥巴马的讲话中也透漏出了美国选择支持短期性的军事干预的想法。It was also echoed in Obama's call for short-term intervention.

科学杂志禁止透漏细节直到美国东部时间12月2日下午2点前。Science Journal Has Embargoed Details Until 2 p.m. EST On Dec. 2

这个星期,谷歌也会向外界透漏其发展手机钱包的计划。This week, Google will reveal its plans for developing mobile wallets.

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必须说明的是,事实上暴雪并没有就这一问题透漏或确认过任何事。To be clear, Blizzard has revealed or confirmed nothing at this point.

今年二月,来自微软的研究人员就透漏了Gazelle的细节。Back in February, researches at Microsoft revealed details about Gazelle.

美国官方人士对隐形机的使用从未透漏任何消息。The operational use of the drones has never been described by official sources.

坚强并不意味着有一颗无情的心,但是能从眼泪中透漏出微笑!Being strong doesn't mean having a stony heart , but having a smile through the tears.

关于嫌疑犯以及可能的作案动机,当局没有透漏任何信息。Authorities haven't given any information about potential suspects or a possible motive.

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官方尚未透漏该位母亲姓名,她之前发生了家庭争吵。The woman, whose name was not released, had earlier been involved in a domestic dispute.

萨维奇夫妇不愿透漏这所生育诊所的名字,只说明不在俄亥俄州。The Savages won't reveal the name of the fertility clinic, saying only that it's not in Ohio.

话语角色转换是一种语用策略,它透漏出交际者的内在意图。In the process of verbal communication, a participant always acts as a certain discourse role.

中国没有透漏任何关于装备远程核导弹的新型“晋级”核潜艇的信息。China has said nothing about its new Jin-class submarines armed with long-range nuclear missiles.

话语角色转换是一种语用策略,它透漏出交际者的内在意图。Discourse role switching is a pragmatic stratagem in that it betrays the participant's intention.

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内部人士透漏这种不变的签证政策将增加旅游计调者的成本,当然也会增加游客的费用。Insiders said the unchanged visa policy would add to the cost of tour operators and tourists both.

但是由于该技术的高敏感度,两家公司都拒绝透漏技术细节。The highly sensitive nature of the technologies, however, prevents both companies revealing details.

但没有方法证明什么是真实的,因为高盛不会透漏它在按揭交易文件的所处位置。Goldman won't reveal the positions in its mortgage trading book, so there's no way to tell what's real.