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全文索引。Full-text indexes.

全文如下。The full text follows.

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第五部分是对全文的总结。The fifth part is sum-up.

这贯穿全文。This is all over the text.

全文如下。The following is the full text.

链接到IIED的指南全文Link to full guide from the IIED

全文分为如下八个部分。This article consists eight part.

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全文共分九章。There are altogether nine chapters.

全文共分为八章。There are eight chapters altogether.

以下是马克回复邮件的全文。Here’s the email Mark sent to Scoble.

这部分是全文论述的重点和归结点。It is the key points of this article.

这是全文的核心所在。This part is the kernal of the essay.

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全文检索后高亮显示搜索单词。High lighten the full-text search word.

第六章余论,是对全文的总结。The six chapter is the conclusion part.

网站提供全文检索。The web site provides full-text search.

全文共有六章。This dissertation contains six chapters.

这一章是对蕉园诗社的解构,是全文的核心部分。This chapter is the core of this article.

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全文索引通常很快就可以建好。A full-text index is usually built shortly.

全文另发。The full text will be dispatched separately.

文章全文分词连写。The paper has been written word-segmentedly.