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埃亨是一个资深的政界人士。Bertie Ahern is a veteran politician.

该会宣读了在艾肯,资深大律师今日。The will was read in Aiken , SC today.

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当时老奥巴马是资深旅游官员。Now a senior tourism officer, Obama Sr.

广州一名资深刑警表示。A senior gumshoe of Guangzhou expresses.

张先生是我们的一位资深而受人尊敬的商业伙伴。Mr. Zhane is old valued business friend of ours.

他通过电话采访了资深编辑T.He spoke with senior editor T. A. Frail by phone.

还有一批资深的机电一体化技术精英。And a group of senior mechatronics technology elite.

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乔自以为是个相当资深的鸡眼外科医生。Joe considers himself a quite competent corn surgeon.

亚洲电影大奖将特别奖授予了两位资深电影人。The Asian Film Awards honored two veteran filmmakers.

从1996年开始担任欧洲企业社会责任协会资深顾问。He works as the Senior Diretor in CSR Europe since1996.

资深的革命者冷静地对付局势。The senior revolutionary can play the situation coldly.

米亚女士同时还是世界观察研究所的资深研究员。She is also a senior fellow of the Worldwatch Institute.

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本报在纽约驻有一位资深通讯记者。Our newspaper has an old-timey correspondent in New York.

罗本。法扎德是彭博社---商业周刊的资深作家。Roben Farzad is senior writer for Bloomberg-Businessweek.

中国贸促会专利商标事务所资深律师。Senior Attorney of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office.

尽管一些资深官员说他只是个有名无实的人物。Even some senior officials now say he is a mere figurehead.

湖人资深顾问德克斯温特打算要参加本次盛会。Longtime Lakers consultant Tex Winter is planning to attend.

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李越礼仪课程资深培训师。Teacher LiYue is an experienced teacher on etiquette course.

当今的社火马勺脸谱,出自民间资深艺人之手。Today's fire Mashao's Face, from senior civil artists hands.

马丁是一个国际报道CNET的绿色科技博客资深作家。Martin LaMonica is a senior writer for CNET's Green Tech blog.