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仙人生活在太虚之中。Celestials live in the great void.

我的也是,希望能有仙人指路。I also hope to have a fairy guide.

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仙人蜂像一根线那么细。Fairyflies are as thin as a thread.

医院小道的附近有一条“仙人小道”。By the Hospital Lane goes the “Faeries Path.”

从此,我特别敬佩仙人山。From then on, I especially admire immortal hill.

山不一定要高,有了仙人就著名了。High mountain, must not have immortal is famous.

人们匆匆赶回家,却发现这不过是仙人的魔法。They hurried home to find it was but faery glamour.

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以后,我更敬佩仙人山了。Since then, I have more admiration for the immortal hill.

于是仙人给了他研习仙术的书籍。Then Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study.

侏儒坐下来,而小仙人摇了那小铜铃。The dwarf sat down and the elf rang the little brass bell.

它东接仙人崖,西连乱山,北临南河。It east immortal Cliff, even chaotic West Hill, north Procyon.

小时侯,我除了仙人山,什么花都不认识。A kid, I am apart from fairy mountains, what flowers did not know.

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仙人将稻穗送给当地居民,言毕腾空而去,羊化为石。Fairies give local residents rice, then go away, sheep into stone.

在我们爱尔兰,有关仙人的恐怖故事只是幻想。Our Irish faery terrors have about them something of make-believe.

现在,我已经长大了,但仙人山仍陪伴在我身边。Now, I have grown up, but the fairy mountain is still accompany me.

世界上最小的昆虫叫“仙人蜂?”,是黄蜂的一种。The smallest insects of the world are called fairyflies, a kind of wasp.

有一次,我把仙人山放在阳台上,让它晒太阳。On one occasion, I put on the immortal hill on the balcony and let it sun.

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一个黑影在我和门之间一闪而过。什么?幻觉?恶魔还是仙人。A dark object moved between the door and me, What? Eidolon? Devil or fairy.

一个黑色物体在门和我之间移动,什么玩意?妖怪吗?不知是魔鬼现世还是仙人下凡。A dark object moved between the door and me, what? Eidolon ? Devil or fairy.

它们是仙人,把新娘掳来充当乐队首领的老婆。They were faeries, and had stolen her as a wife for the chief of their band.