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或者鬼子的刺刀?。Or a jap bayonet?

它们是日本鬼子。They are Japanese.

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横批鬼子再度进村。Guangpi Guizi again villages.

大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去!Chop Japanese head with broadsword!

鬼子的万岁冲锋就要到眼前了!The Jap banzai charge is right there!

这些生产者是棘手的小鬼子。Those producers are tricky mini devils.

海娃刚刚送信,就遇上了鬼子!Eva just send letters, sea met the devil!

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你还帮日本鬼子抢咱们的棉花。You helped the Japanese rob us of cotton.

输在你们是日本鬼子此问题不成立!Japs lose at this issue, you are not true!

天啊,小鬼子这次是要栽跟头了。Good heavens, the impish son is falling this time.

提出挖通地道埋炸药将鬼子一锅端了。Dig through tunnel buried explosives would devil ones.

我并不反对日本鬼子和中国佬。I don't have anything against the Japs and the Chinks.

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而鬼子依然四处在搜寻家中漏网者。And the devil still around in search of their home net.

他们决定给小鬼子们制造点麻烦。They decided to give the little devils are making trouble.

那小男孩儿的父亲,就站在那日本鬼子的后面。By the little boy's father, appearing right behind the Jap !

鬼子部队来追击薛钗,被蒙面人救下了。Japanese troops in pursuit of Xue Chai, rescued by a masked man.

王金彪说外国来的叫鬼子,我们叫汉奸。Wang Jinbiao said that foreign to the devil, we called traitors.

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阿虎和牛角赶来报信,鬼子临近,大家早做准备。AHu and ox horn came near, devil news, everyone early preparation.

日本鬼子闯入北平城是在一九三七年。It was in 1937 when Japanese soldiers broke into the city Beiping.

苗香儿知道了鬼子的诡计,白三部署速战速结。Miaoxiang son know the devil tricks, white three quick deployment.