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唱颂之后,我获得了拥抱和蜜枣。After the chanting, I got hugs and dates.

但他们口渴了,并且只要几颗蜜枣果腹。But they were thirsty and had only a few dates to eat.

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丹宁柔和,充满黑醋栗、李子和干蜜枣味道。Soft tannins texture with currants fruits, plum and dried prune.

供货商是否还要把蜜枣送到包装商那儿去包装?。Do they have to send the dates to a specialist packer for packing?

中度酒体干红葡萄酒,充满黑松露,蜜枣和葡萄干的气味。Medium-bodied dry red wine with nose of truffle prunes and raisins.

酒体复杂葡萄酒,充满浓郁的黑醋栗、香料、黑松露和蜜枣味道。Complexity wine with intense black currant, spice, truffle and prune.

丹宁柔和,充满李子、黑浆果和蜜枣口感。Soft tannins texture combined with dark plum, black berries and prune.

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丹宁柔和,充满浓郁的黑醋栗、干蜜枣和橡木口感。Smooth tannins structure, intense black currant, dried prune and cedar.

所谓蜜枣,就是用枣制成的果脯。Candied date, one kind of preserved fruit, is made by date and sugar, etc.

丹宁柔和酒体结构佳,充满黑醋栗、黑浆果、李子和成熟的蜜枣味道。Soft tannins structure with currants fruits, dark berry, plum and ripe prune.

丹宁适中,充满醋栗果实、香料、李子和成熟蜜枣口感。Moderate tannins structure combined with currants fruits, spice, plum and ripe prune.

凉菜,芋艿8元。蜜枣泡制的芋头丸,甜蜜绵软,冰凉可口,让人唇齿留香。The Taro and Chinese date with honey, cold dish, RMB 8. Sweet and soft, cool and fragrant.

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在弥林我是穿着丝绸的女王,靠蜜枣和涂上蜂蜜的羊肉充饥,她回想起来。In Meereen I was a queen in silk, nibbling on stuffed dates and honeyed lamb, she remembered.

丹宁优雅,充满干蜜枣,胡椒,巧克力,黑松露和浆果味道。Elegant tannins texture combined with dried dates, pepper, chocolate, black berries and truffle.

丹宁圆润,充满浓郁的李子,干蜜枣和成熟的果实味道,余韵口感优雅。Round tannins texture with intense plum, dried dates and hints of pepper with ripe fruits finish.

以徽州蜜枣的原料-尖枣为原料,采用正交试验确定枣酒发酵的最佳工艺条件。Using tsim jujube as raw material, the optimal fermentation conditions were confirmed by orthogonal test.

丹宁圆润,配合浓郁的李子、黑松露、蜜枣和浆果口感。Round tannins structure intermixed with intense dark plum, truffle, prune and black berries fruits in palate.

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丹宁柔和,充满黑醋栗,干蜜枣和胡椒口感,优雅的果实余韵。Light tannins texture combined with blackcurrant, dried-prune and pepper in palate. Elegant black fruits in spicy finish.

取上等小枣,加糖煮,汤将尽时,加入桂花,即成健脾开胃的桂花蜜枣。From first-class quality, add sugar, soup will do, to join the osmanthus, become namely Jianpi appetizers osmanthus dates.

我享受着粽子的美味,突然发现了中间和刚才完全不同的味道,蜜枣粽甜甜的很可口。I bite away at this zongzi until I reach the middle and am met with an entirely new palate of flavors, this time sweet and savory.