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亚马逊网络书店不提供邮递到印度的服务。And Amazon would not deliver them.

对邮递区号进行同样的操作。Do the same for the shipping postal code.

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我可以在电话簿上找到邮递区号。I can find the zip code in the phone book.

按城市或邮递区号搜寻附近的店铺。Search by city or postal code for a store near you.

这和邮递所使用的方式一模一样。It was already the same technology they used for the mail.

此外,如何邮递是另一个主要关心的问题。In addition, delivery option is another key issue of concern.

我们依靠上班半的职员完成大部分邮递订购业务。We rely on part-time staff for most of our mail-order business.

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我们将提供的网页和个人邮递图形化模型。We will supply mockups of homepage and individual post graphics.

嗯,我把伊利诺的邮递区号,写在别州的地址上。Well, I wrote Illinois zip codes on the out-of -state addresses.

申请人会以邮递方式获发认收通知。An acknowledgement receipt will be sent to the applicant by post.

最后的邮递时间是晚上七点,你现在骑车去还来得及。The last post is at 7 p.m. You can still make it if you go by bike.

这方面的资料可以发现,用您的邮递区号或IP地址。This information can be found by using your zip code or IP address.

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最后的邮递时间是晚上七点,你现在骑车去还来得及。The last post time is 7 pm, you will catch it if you go by bike now.

不过,只有邮递下单定制钥匙,才存在这类安全隐患。But, these security concerns only apply to ordering keys in the post.

否则,单卡的订单,我们将通寄用于挂号邮递方式。Otherwise, for single mmc orders, we will ship via Registered Airmail.

邮递至本港地区或于指定港鐡站取货。By mail within Hong Kong areas, or pick-up at a designated MTR station.

少数的本地网络书店提供邮递,但时间往往长达几周。There are a few Indian online bookstores, but they take weeks to deliver.

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任何会员或订户给予创富网之通知必须以书面形式并以电邮或邮递发出。Notice to Richsix shall be in writing and shall be made by email or by post.

否则,单卡的订单,我们将通寄用于挂号邮递方式。Otherwise, for single bluetooth orders, we will ship via Registered Airmail.

她们也驾驶有轨电车、火车,指挥交通以及邮递信件。They also run street cars, conduct trains, direct traffic, and deliver mail.