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增加的护甲从23点增加到25点。Armor increased to 25 from 23.

你可以用魔法护甲灌输你发现。You can imbue armor with magic you found.

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增加了可交易的头盔和护甲。Trade item helmets and armors have been added.

草药护甲是避蚊胺,驱蚊的作品免费!Herbal Armor is a Deet-free repellent that works!

护甲削减持续时间统一为5秒。Armor Reduction duration fixed at 5s at all ranks.

护甲和魔法抗性降低为全等级25点。Armor and Magic resist reduced to 25 at all levels.

他们戴上头盔,披上护甲,拿上重火力武器。They grab helmets, body armor, and heavy firepower.

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犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates.

肉体本能甲胄不再享有护甲加成。Harness of Carnal Instinct no longer has bonus armor.

太好了,您最好的护甲和武器全都已经修整完毕。Good. Your best armor and weapons are oiled and ready.

总的来说,法师护甲确实很强力,但这是一种交易。FWIW, Mage Armor is quite powerful, but it's a tradeoff.

黄金之心非常强力的根本原因是他提供的护甲。The reason HoG was very strong was because of the armor.

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过不了多久,这些伤疤就能变成他们自己的那层护甲。After a while the scars serve as their own layer of armor.

皮甲和披风的基础护甲会受到厚皮的加成。Thick hide multiplies the base armor on leather and cloaks.

残废的护甲与魔法穿透效果从25减少到10。Cripple's armor and magic penetration lowered to 10 from 25.

由于它们纸相同的护甲,隐形坦克最适合打带跑。Stealth Tanks are best for hit and run due to their paper armor.

精织护甲是用雅灵完美无瑕的技术织成。Feyweave armor is woven with techniques perfected by the eladrin.

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除此之外,它的护甲、生命值、探测状态和可攻击性都不变。Armor, HP, detection status, and units attackable are all the same.

你也可以通过学习专长来学得如何正确使用其他护甲。You can take feats to learn the proper use of other kinds of armor.

法师护甲不再降低任何有益魔法的持续时间。Mage Armor no longer reduces the duration of beneficial magic buffs.