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我们也会争吵。We have arguments.

他平息了那次争吵。He stilled the quarrel.

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他们无缘无故地争吵。They quarreled for nothing.

她们平白无故地争吵。They quarreled for nothing.

争吵到最后声泪俱下。The argument ended in tears.

他们之间发生了争吵。A dispute grew up among them.

斯迈尔先生说他不想与客家争吵。Mr. Smile said he did not wa.

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我们开始争吵、争论。We began to bicker and argue.

这两个人总为琐事争吵。The two were always bickering.

他们在一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事上争吵不休。They haggled over the trifles.

时间治愈悲伤,宁息争吵。Time heals grief and quarrels.

他们因花费的事争吵不休。They snacked about the charges.

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他们互相争吵。They quarreled among themselves.

不要为这些鸡毛蒜皮的事争吵。Don't altercate over such trivia.

别把我牵连进你们的争吵之中。Don't embroil me in your quarrel.

她与门房争吵起来。She remonstrated with the porter.

这三个男人为了小事而争吵。The three men jangle over trifles.

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他们为最后一张票发生争吵。They tussled over the last ticket.

刚才是他引发的争吵,嗯,说不定是你。He started it. Well, maybe you did.

她丈夫变得爱争吵了。Her husband had turned quarrelsome.