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在坚硬的电视外壳下面的其实是腐烂的内芯。In a nutshell TV is lame!

倒入土制派的外壳。Pour into unbaked pie shell.

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奥克利精英全金属外壳Oakley Elite Full Metal Jacket

砂壳是砂仁的外壳。Shake is the shell of sha ren.

所述外壳包裹在托盘胚体的外面。The casing coats the tray body.

市道市情上卖的那些外壳都是赝品。The products on sale are fakes.

有些水果和种子有外壳。Some fruits and seeds have hulls.

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外壳为钢板焊成。The shell is welded by steel pate.

安装灯泡和插座于灯外壳上。I screwed the bulb into the socket.

我用一组夹具把外壳表面向下固定在机床上。outside down. using a clamping kit.

外壳罩圈具有锁紧及加铅封的功能。The ring can be locked and lead seal.

这类甲虫有坚硬的外壳。This kind of beetles have hard shell.

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注塑,热橡胶外壳。Injection-molded, thermal rubber shell.

电线外面通常包有一层塑料外壳。Usually wires are covered with plastic.

坚固美观的外壳,标准2U机箱设计。Firm and sophisticated standard 2U design.

桂圆的外壳是黄色的,摸起来很粗糙。Longans shell is yellow, feels very rough.

SIM卡必须要在一个密封的外壳里。SIM card has to be in a sealable enclosure.

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增安型外壳,隔爆型开关。Increased safety enclosure, flameproof switch.

用于铅青铜轴承外壳的铅。Lead in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushes.

这只适用于从外壳程序运行时。This will only apply when working from a shell.