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那样我们就要行使我们的自卫权了。Then we'll exercise our right of self-defence.

在被非法攻击下才可使用自卫权。The right of self-defense is only available against unlawful attack.

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第三个就是政府所采取的集体自卫权。Thirdis the policy of collective self-defense adopted by the government.

有人辩护道只有针对非法袭击时才能有自卫权。It is submitted that the right of self- defence can be available only against unlawful attack.

日本国内的这种政治环境使得日本解除集体自卫权一事尤为令人苦恼。This is the domestic political context in Japan which makes advocating re-arming Japan so troublesome.

只有在联合国及其安理会主导下才能合法有效地对恐怖主义行使自卫权。Only by the dominant of UN and UNSC can states use force to fight against terrorism legally and effectively.

金宽镇称,自卫权意味着“如果朝鲜首先挑衅,我们可以立即回击”。King said the town wide, self-defense means that "if North Korea first provocation, we can immediately fight back."

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本文拟对武力反恐中的国家自卫权的含义、适用以及由此引发的国际法上的问题进行分析论证并对未来作出展望。This article aims at the analysis and argument of the indications of the right and its application as well as its prospect.

华盛顿表示支持以色列的自卫权,但是也说不想要“升级这种状况”。Washington expressed support for Israel's right to self-defence, but said it did not want "an escalation of the situation".

声明强调,阿盟与叙利亚团结一致,支持叙利亚拥有自卫权以维护主权、保护人民生命安全。Confirming its solidarity with Syria, the Arab organization voiced its support to Syria to protect its people and sovereignty.

南韩日前宣布面对北韩挑衅时,各级指挥官都可以自行行使自卫权。South Korea recently announced that when facing provocation by North Korea, commanders at all levels could exercise rights to self-defense.

加强集体自卫权是安倍的野心所在,确保了日本在国际安全事务中发挥更大作用。A right to collective self-defence underpins Mr Abe's broader ambition, which is to ensure that Japan can play a bigger role in international security.

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金宽镇当天还告诉韩国媒体记者,他已向各级部队下达关于行使自卫权的指示。Width of the town the same day Kim told South Korean reporters that he had issued on the exercise of self-defense forces at all levels the right direction.

安倍已破斥不必要的秘密保护法来降低公民的发言,并且现在试图做同样的事情改变集体自卫权的解释。Abe has forced an unwanted secrecy law down the public's throat and is nowattempting to do the same with changing the interpretation of collective selfdefence.

联合国框架下的使用武力规则对国家行使自卫权而使用武力限定了极其严格的条件,但对安理会在应对国际和平与安全的威胁时使用武力却赋予广泛的自由裁量权。International peace and security faced new threats in new century. The existing rule on using force set out strict limits for a state to use force in self-defense.

政策文件提到了在2006黎巴嫩战争时以色列的“自卫权”,并且根本没有提到以色列最近入侵加沙的行动。The policy document declares it backs Israel's "right to self defence" in the case of the 2006 Lebanon war, and does not mention the recent Gaza incursions at all.

在国际法上自卫权是国家的一项自然权利,是禁止使用武力和以武力相威胁基本原则规定下,一种使用武力的合法例外。In the international law, the right of self-defense is a nation's natural right and a legal expectation of the principle of prohibition of the threat or use of force.

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这意味着一国以武力行使自卫权的范围更加宽泛,其确立有利于各国以合法手段对付日益猖獗的恐怖主义。This judgment means the scope of self-defense by use of force is broader, which is in favor of countries all over the world to deal with increasingly rampant terrorism.

近期通过的其他几项决议也是抨击中国的计划生育政策,或支持台湾的自卫权,或是将中国列为“侵犯人权最严重的国家”名单。Other recent resolutions have criticized China's one-child policy, supported Taiwan's right to self-defense and named China as one of several 'serial abusers of human rights.'

莫里尔还强调说,联军有权自卫,当时直升机人员显然是在巴基斯坦军人向他们开火后,施行他们的自卫权。And he emphasized that they always have the right to self defense, a right the helicopter crew apparently thought it was exercising after the Pakistani troops fired their weapons.