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紧身的外衣很不舒服的绑缚着。This dress is tight on me.

她身上穿着一件深V领的紧身衬衣,手上戴着长长的黑色皮手套。She had long, black leather gloves.

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纱丽和紧身连衣裤,孟买,印度,1999。Sari and Catsuit, Mumbai, India, 1999

她穿着薄薄的紧身小衫,没有带胸罩。She is wearing a thin top and no bra.

她的紧身马甲是用起皱的料子做的。Her bodice was made of crinkly material.

哦,对了,不要穿着紧身的裤子或牛仔。Oh, and don't wear tight pants or jeans.

你穿那件紧身洋装看起来好高雅。You look so elegant in that tight dress.

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你需要一套紧身连衣裤,和一些运动鞋。You'll need a leotard and some sneakers.

要爆破的紧身胸衣。在办公室门口检查一下没爆炸吧。Check your va-va-voom at the office door.

我到哪儿去买紧身运动衣呢?Where will I get the gym leotards, though?

紧身直通裙从新流行起来了。A-line skirts are coming into fashion again.

她的外衣这么紧身,缝口绽开了。Her dress is so tight the seams are bursting.

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她穿着紧身牛仔裤和白色毛衣。She wore skintight jeans and a white sweater.

紧身胸衣是一如既往钢去骨和手工。Corsetry is as always steel boned and handmade.

这条裙子很好看,但我喜欢紧身的裙子。It looks nice, but I like close-fitting dressing.

不要系紧身的腰带可能带松紧的腰带。Never wear tight belts or elasticized waistbands.

她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。She could knit up a babys coatee in an afternoon.

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千万别穿太紧身或者太松垮的仔裤。Do not wear jeans that are too tight or too baggy.

连紧身短裤的穿着也是有理由的。Even the teeny-tiny shorts are there for a reason.

不要系紧身的腰带或者带松紧的腰带。Never wear tight belts or elasticized waistbands.