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纵然发现光景绵长。Never found was long.

纵然发现光景绵长。Even though it is found.

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看到这个光景我吓呆了。I was transfixed at its sight.

这光景真叫人干着急。The sight is most tantalizing.

而圣彼得堡却是另一番光景St. Petersburg is completely different.

神不愿意我们困于交差的光景。God does not want us feeling stuck with a JOB.

然而它只维持了大约一年到一年半的光景。But it only lasted about one and one-half years.

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大约有一百二十寻,也就是二百米的光景。About a hundred and twenty fathoms , or six hundred feet.

不到一年的光景,曹淑发便挣回了这台挖机。In less than a year, Cao Shufa would earn the excavators.

我们童年时代的光景还历历在目。Scenes from our childhood still appear vividly before us.

神的儿女啊,你当回想以色列人渡红海时的那段凯旋光景!Imagine, O child of God, if you can, that triumphal march!

我知道它之跨过二十年光景,但现在我已然是一个老人了。I know that it spans only twenty years, yet I am an old man.

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咱俩初次见面的光景我还记得很清楚。I still remember very clearly the scene of our first meeting.

雷去世后的一段光景,我没去上课。In the immediate days following Ray's death, I did not teach.

但是在经历了十年的惨淡光景之后,他们是时候采取行动了。But after a decade of dismal returns it is time for them to act.

他想起他度蜜月的光景,一回忆往事就涨红了脸。He recalled the honeymoon, and blushed at the recollection of it.

马博罗公爵若少了法王路易,XIV,世,会是什么光景?What would the Duke of Marlborough ? have been without Louis XIV?

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就在这种光景中,我们就能寻见那达到圣灵丰满的途径。It is in this we shall find the path to the fullness of the Spirit.

但是,后来府上遭抢,从此不复往日光景。However, after his mansion was robbed, he never regains his former glory.

可见当时嬉戏的光景了,这真是有趣的事,可惜我们现在是无福消受了。It's an interesting event of playing in the past, but we have no more now.